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The ZGMF-X20A-LP Gundam Love Phantom (ガンダムラブファントム?) is a Gunpla introduced in Gundam Build Divers. Based on the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam, it is built and piloted by Magee.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Gundam Love Phantom began as a concept to attach the Noir Striker from the Strike Noir Gundam to the back of the Strike Freedom Gundam, Magee later made it into a powerful Gunpla by customizing the whole unit.[1][2] The Super Dragoons, iconic remote controlled armaments of the Strike Freedom, were omitted to make the Gunpla specialized for close combat.[2] With the newly made huge Beam Sickle, and unfoldable Striker Scythes built into its back-mounted Love Striker (a customized Noir Striker), this Gunpla has a strong focus on sickle-shaped armament.[1][2]


  • Beam Sickle
A large scythe-shaped melee armament.[2] Magee's maneuvering techniques allow him to throw the armament like a boomerang, and the wide range of attacks have reached a level where it exceeds the category of a close range weapon.[2] The original intended usage of large scythe is to cut grass, and Magee uses the armament to mow the lawn near his Force Nest, putting it to use in unique ways outside of battles with freedom that can only be seen in GBN.[2]
  • Striker Scythe
A pair of unfoldable scythes mounted on the Love Striker, the striker scythes are modified version of the Noir Strikers' beam blades.[2] Besides serving as handheld weapons, they can also be unfolded while mounted to create wings with offensive capabilities.[2]
  • Beam Shield
Like the Strike Freedom, the Love Phantom can generate a beam shield from a generator located on each forearm.[2]
  • Multi-phase Beam Cannon
The Love Phantom has a multi-phase beam cannon mounted on its abdomen like the Strike Freedom.[3]
  • Railgun
A pair of foldable guns mounted on the left and right sides of the waist[3], they appear similar to the ones used by the Strike Freedom.
  • Beam Saber
As with the Strike Freedom, the Love Phantom stores a pair of beam sabers on the sides of the railguns. The beam saber emits a blade-shaped beam when held in hand.
  • Twin Linear Gun
A pair of guns attached to the wings of the Love Striker, their appearance is similar to the ones on the Noir Striker.

Special Attacks[]

  • Love Attack




Notes & Trivia[]

  • Despite being based on the Strike Freedom and Strike Noir, the Love Phantom takes a lot of inspiration from the Deathscythe Hell, with its Beam Sickle, leg armor, and V-fin all resembling the Katoki version.
    • In the final episode of Build Divers, it is seen that Magee's bar is filled with Gunpla, with a 1/144 scale model of the original (anime) Deathscythe Hell given a place of particular significance, suggesting that Magee holds particular affection for that mobile suit and its derivatives.
  • Before its reveal, Magee's Diver information listed its scale, name and model number as "Secret".[4]
  • After initiating its Love Attack, Gundam Love Phantom can be seen performing a similar gesture to Kamen Rider Build.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Official site (English)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 HGBD 1/144 Gundam Love Phantom model kit manual
  3. 3.0 3.1 Gundam Build Divers Episode 24, Decisive Battle
  4. Gundam Build Divers Episode 1, Welcome to GBN

External Links[]

Gundam Build Divers Original Gunpla
Build Divers
Mobile Suit
Command Gatling Gundam | GN-0000DVR Gundam 00 Diver | GN-0000DVR/A Gundam 00 Diver Ace | GN-0000DVR/S Gundam 00 Sky | GN-0000DVR/S/HWS Gundam 00 Sky HWS‎‎ | HER-SELF Mobile Doll Sarah | Knight Gundam Lancer | Musha Tousou Gundam | PEN-01M Momokapool | RGM-86RBM GM III Beam Master | RGM-89BM Jegan Blast Master | RMS-117G11 Galbaldy Rebake | RX-零 RX-Zeromaru | RX-零/覚醒 RX-Zeromaru (Shinki Kessho)
Mobile Suit
AGE-IIMG Gundam AGEII Magnum | AGE-IIMG-SV Gundam AGEII Magnum SV ver. | AGMF-X56S/a Impulse Gundam Arc | AGMF-X56S/l Impulse Gundam Lancier
Mobile Suit
GNX-803OG Ogre GN-X | MSN-03SL Jagd Doga Thorn | RX-78GP02R Gundam GP-Rase-Two | WMS-03NT Maganac Cinnabar | xvt-mmc Geara Ghirarga | ZM-S22S 凶 Rig Shokew Magatsu
Le Chat Noir / Chat Noir Neo
Mobile Suit
RX-零 RX-Zeromaru | SG Char's Zaku II | SG Gundam | SG ν Gundam | SG Sazabi | Shock Gundam | Super Shock Gundam
GBN Administration
Mobile Suit
GBN-GF01 GBN-Guard Frame | GBN-GF/RX78 GBN-Base Gundam | OZ-06MS[MPD] Leo NPD
Mobile Suit
GF13-017NJ/B Gundam Shining Break | YG-III Gundam G-Else
Mobile Suit
GH-001RB Grimoire Red Beret | GN-1001N Seravee Gundam Scheherazade | MBF-PNN Gundam Astray No-Name | RX-78TB-2[SB] Gundam Stormbringer | Tequila Gundam Daniel Custom | XXXG-01S2龍虎狼 Gundam Jiyan Altron | ZGMF-X20A-LP Gundam Love Phantom
Mobile Pod
RB-79PP Polypodball
Machine Rider
Supply Ship
Lotus Fortress