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The ZGMF-MM07 Z'Gok is a mobile suit introduced in the animated film Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Z'Gok is a Terminal designed mobile suit. While it has the aesthetics of ZAFT's aquatic mobile suits, it is fully capable of operating in space. It features weaponry such as missiles and mega particle cannons. It is primarily piloted by Athrun Zala.[1]

The Z'Gok itself is primarily controlled from its cockpit, but can also be remote controlled by an allied unit from afar, such as the MBF-02 Strike Rouge equipped with the AMGS-X18P Cavalier Aifrid. The Z'Gok itself can be controlled directly by the Cavalier when docked to it from above, allowing whoever is in the cockpit of the Cavalier to temporarily pilot it, in a configuration known as the Amazing Z'Gok.[2][3]

The Z'Gok is actually a disguise, which hides the ZGMF-X191M2 ∞ Justice Gundam Type II inside it. In an emergency, the Z'Gok exterior can be purged to allow the ∞ Justice Type II to fight on its own.


Special Equipment & Features[]

  • M2X32E Volantes
A subflight lifter designed for the Infinite Justice Type II, equipped with a variety of beam weapons and missiles. The Z'Gok can equip the Volantes on its back to enhance its own maneuverability and firepower.
A large support craft built for electronic warfare. The Z'Gok relies on the Cavalier to quickly transport it to its destination, as well as provide fire support whenever needed


In C.E.75, Athrun Zala piloted the Z'Gok equipped with the M2X32E Volantes Sub-flight Lifter to save Kira Yamato's heavily damaged STTS-909 Rising Freedom Gundam from Shura Serpentine's NOG-M1A1 Shi-ve.A and Agnes Giebenrath's ZGMF-2027/A GYAN Strom in Eldore. Despite its heavy loadout, the Z'Gok engaged the Shi-ve.A in melee combat. The duel was cut short when the Black Knight Squad detected an incoming nuclear missile and decided to retreat. The Z'Gok then docked with a cloaked AMGS-X18P Cavalier Aifrid and evacuated Kira by diving underwater to avoid the blast.[4]

The Z'Gok was later assigned to the LHM-BB03S Millennium for a mission to infiltrate the Foundation’s space fortress Artemis. Using the Mirage Colloid Stealth System, the Z'Gok successfully slipped past Artemis' beam barrier, causing significant disruption in the base's docks and providing cover for the COMPASS Commando team tasked with rescuing the kidnapped Lacus Clyne.[4]

After Lacus was rescued, Athrun flew the Z'Gok to assist Kira's ZGMF/A-262B Strike Freedom Gundam Type II, which was cornered by the NOG-M2D1/E Black Knight Squad Cal-re.A and Shura's Shi-ve.A. As the Shi-ve.A aimed to deliver the final blow to the Strike Freedom Type II, Athrun intervened and blocked Shi-ve.A‘s Needle Piercer attack with the Z'Gok. The attack destroyed the Z'Gok, revealing the ZGMF-X191M2 ∞ Justice Gundam Type II hidden inside. The ∞ Justice Type II then dueled the Shi-ve.A.[4]




Notes & Trivia[]



External links[]

Logo Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
This article is part of Project: SEED

Please read the linked project page before editing this article.

Project Leader: User:CD298

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom Mechanics
Compass/Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
STTS-808 Immortal Justice Gundam | STTS-909 Rising Freedom Gundam | STTS/F-400 Murasame Kai | ZGMF-56E2 Impulse Gundam Spec II | ZGMF-56E2/α Force Impulse Gundam Spec II | ZGMF-56E2/β Sword Impulse Gundam Spec II | ZGMF-56E2/γ Blast Impulse Gundam Spec II | ZGMF-2025/F GELGOOG Menace | ZGMF-2027/A GYAN Strom | ZGMF-MM07 Z'Gok | ZGMF-X191M2 ∞ Justice Gundam Type II | ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam | ZGMF/A-262B Strike Freedom Gundam Type II | ZGMF/A-262PD-P Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam | ZGMF/A-42S2 Destiny Gundam Spec II
Support Weapon
A-GXQ754/V2 Zeus Silhouette | AMGS-X18P Cavalier Aifrid | MDE262S Proud Defender
Land Vehicle
Kira Yamato's Motorcycle | Lacus Clyne's Motorcycle
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Archangel-class | LHM-BB03S Millennium
Kingdom of Foundation
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMF/A-102F DINN-F | AMF-101Q/4 DINN-R | NOG-M4F Rud-ro.A | NOG-M1A1 Shi-ve.A | NOG-M2D1/E Cal-re.A | ZGMF/A-1018F GINN-F | ZGMF-1017Q GINN-R
Support Weapon
AMO-01 Ziggurat
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Baldr-class | BCI-183 Gullveig | Laurasia-class | Nazca-class
Super Weapon
Blue Cosmos
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01A1 Dagger | GAT-04 Windam | GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam
Land Vehicle
Linear Gun Tank | Self-Propelled Linear Howitzer
Orb Union
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-M1+EF-24R M1 Astray Shrike | MBF-02 Strike Rouge | ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam | STTS/F-400 Murasame Kai
Naval Ship
Aegis-class | Takemikazuchi-class
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
TFA-2 ZuOOT | TMF/A-802 BuCUE | ZGMF-515 CGUE | ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1017 GINN | ZGMF-1027M Duel Blitz Gundam | ZGMF-103HD Lightning Buster Gundam
Support Weapon
Cruiser / Mother Ship
FFMH-Y101 Eternal | Laurasia-class | Nazca-class
Earth Alliance/OMNI Enforcer
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01A1 Dagger | GAT-01A1+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Dagger | GAT-04 Windam | GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Agamemnon-class | Drake-class | Nelson-class