Yuuichi Hasegawa (長谷川 裕一 Hasegawa Yuuichi?) (born April 25, 1961) is a manga writer and artist that worked in various Gundam projects, mainly the Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam series.
- Mobile Suit Vs. Giant God of Legend: Gigantis' Counterattack (1992)
- Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam (1994)
- Mobile Suit Victory Gundam Outside Story (1995)
- Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Skull Heart (2003)
- Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Steel 7 (2006)
- Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 1/2 UC 0087: Another Story (2006)
- Mobile Suit Gundam MSV Battle Chronicle Johnny Ridden (2007)
- Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Ghost (2011)
- Mobile Suit V Gundam Project Exodus (2012)
- Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Dust (2016)
- Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: X-11 (2021)