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The YMF-01B Proto GINN (aka GINN, GINN Trainer) is a prototype mobile suit introduced in the original design series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED MSV.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

Based on the mobile suit prototype unit 1, the Proto GINN was the first practical mobile suit[1] and the first mobile suit designed for combat.[2] It was based on the exoskeleton/power-assisted space suits (commonly referred to as "mobile suits") found on the Tsiolkovsky, George Glenn's Jupiter exploration ship.[2] Since it was based on space suits, the Proto GINN's structure was similar to the human body: with arm-mounted manipulators that have five fingers, legs with knee joints, and a head with a monoeye camera. It did not feature any fixed weapons, but was expected to be able to use weapons such as rifle and sword using its manipulators.[2]


In C.E. 65, PLANT secretly rolled out the first prototype mobile suit, supposedly called "Zaft". Within the same year, the Zodiac Alliance, a political group in PLANT that had been demanding autonomy and independence from Earth, renamed itself the Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty.[1][3] Development of mobile suit continued, and two years later in C.E. 67, the YMF-01B Proto GINN (then known only as GINN), the first combat capable mobile suit, was rolled out. Secretly, a section of Martius City was modified to produce more mobile suits.[1]

In C.E. 68, ZAFT was reformed into a military organization following the Mandelbrot Incident, in which a food convoy heading for PLANT was destroyed for violating the ban on food importation, killing hundreds of Coordinators.[1] Since PLANT had a far smaller population than Earth, ZAFT had to prioritize the survivability of its soldiers above all else. The mobile suit was selected as its weapon, since each mobile suit could be controlled by a single pilot.[2] A large number of Proto GINN were manufactured, with a small number being assigned to combat units and the rest being used for research and training to establish a mobile suit-centered military force.[4] As tension between PLANT and Earth escalated, mobile suit development accelerated.[5]

In C.E. 69, the PLANT sponsor nations discovered that PLANT had violated their ban on food production. In response, they deployed their space forces and threatened to remove the food-producing colonies. However, ZAFT deployed the Proto GINN's successor, the ZGMF-1017 GINN, which sucessfully expelled the sponsor nation forces from PLANT despite being heavily outnumbered. It was at this point that the existence of mobile suits and ZAFT's nature as a military organization became public.[1][2][6]

After the ZGMF-1017 entered production, the Proto GINN was fully retired from the frontline, but continued to be used as training units. Because of this, it was also known as "GINN Trainer".[2][4] Some units were also sold to civilians or third party nations as worker units due to their ease of piloting.[2]




Notes & Trivia[]

  • The Cosmic Era timeline from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Model Vol.3 - SEED MSV Edition made no mention of the Proto GINN, simply stating that the first practical mobile suit, GINN, was completed in C.E. 67 and was revealed during the battle of C.E. 69. However, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED MS Encyclopedia stated that the GINN completed in C.E. 67 was actually the Proto GINN, but it never entered mass production, and the ZGMF-1017 GINN was the mobile suit deployed in C.E. 69. Later, C.E. Mechanics & The World clarified that while a large number of Proto GINN were manufactured, most of them were not assigned to combat units, but for training and research. It is unclear whether any Proto GINN were deployed during the battle of C.E. 69.
  • The Proto GINN resembles the Universal Century's MS-05 Zaku I. Like wise the Proto-GINN's successor unit, the ZGMF-1017 GINN resembles the MS-06 Zaku II. The GINN and Zaku series performed similar roles in their respective timelines, as the events of the Cosmic Era were largely derived from those of the early Universal Century.


Television Series
OVAs and ONAs


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 SEED Model Vol. 3 - SEED MSV Edition (2004), p.10-11, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED official timeline
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED MS Encyclopedia (2008), p.8-9
  3. Master Grade Freedom Gundam (2004) instruction manual
  4. 4.0 4.1 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED - C.E. Mechanics & The World (2012), p.91
  5. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - MS Encyclopedia (2008), p.10
  6. Master Grade 1/100 ZGMF-1017 Mobile GINN (2021) model kit manual

External links[]

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Mechanics
Earth Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01 Strike Dagger | GAT-X102 Duel Gundam | GAT-X103 Buster Gundam | GAT-X105 Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 Sword Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam | GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam | GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam | GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam | GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam | GAT-X370 Raider Gundam
Mobile Armor
MAW-01 Mistral | TS-MA2 Moebius | TS-MA2mod.00 Moebius Zero
Power Loader

Land Vehicle
Bulldog | Cargo Truck | EA Elecar | Linear Gun Tank | Mobile Suit Hauler | Power Car | Radar Truck | Self-Propelled Linear Howitzer
Naval Ship / Submarine
Arkansas-class | Attack Submarine | Danilov-class | Des Moines-class | Fraser-class | Spengler-class | Transport Submarine
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Escape Shuttle | F-7D Spearhead | FX-550 Skygrasper | FX-550+AQM/E-X01 Aile Grasper | FX-550+AQM/E-X02 Sword Grasper | FX-550+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Grasper | Launch | Patrol Aircraft | Sturgeon-class | VTOL Fighter
Transporter / Supply Ship
Cornelius-class | Marseille III-class | Large Transport Aircraft | VTOL Transport
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Agamemnon-class | Archangel-class | Drake-class | Nelson-class
Super Weapon
Cyclops System
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMF-101 DINN | GAT-X102 Duel Gundam | GAT-X103 Buster Gundam | GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam | GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam | TFA-2 ZuOOT | TMF/A-802 BuCUE | TMF/A-803 LaGOWE | TMF/S-3 GINN OCHER Type | UMF-4A GOOhN | UMF-5 ZnO | UWMF/S-1 GINN WASP Type | YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms | YFX-600R GuAIZ Experimental Firearms Type | YMF-01B Proto GINN | ZGMF-515 CGUE | ZGMF-600 GuAIZ | ZGMF-1017 GINN | ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type | ZGMF-LRR704B GINN Long Range Reconnaissance Type | ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam | ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam | ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam | ZGMF/TAR-X1 GINN Tactical Air Reconnaissance Type
Mobile Pod
Work Pod
Support Weapon

Land Vehicle
Cargo Truck | Command Vehicle | Connected Armored Vehicle | PLANT Elecar | Supply Truck | ZAFT Convoy
Land Battleship
Lesseps-class | Petrie-class
Naval Ship / Submarine
Supply Submarine | Vosgulov-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Agile | Command Shuttle | Contact Shuttle | Guul | Infestus | Launch | Life Pod | Small Shuttle | Space Shuttle | Stealth Launch | Transport Helicopter
Transporter / Supply Ship
Descent Capsule | Descent Capsule Carrier | Medium Transport Aircraft | VoLPHAU
Cruiser / Mother Ship
FFMH-Y101 Eternal | Laurasia-class | Nazca-class
Super Weapon
GENESIS | Gungnir | Neutron Jammer
Orb Union / Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-X103 Buster Gundam | GAT-X105 Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-YM1 Perfect Strike Gundam | MBF-02 Strike Rouge | MBF-02+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Rouge | MBF-M1 M1 Astray | ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam | ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam
Mobile Armor
MAW-01 Mistral
Support Weapon

Land Vehicle
Cargo Truck | Orb Elecar | Linear Gun Tank | Orb Military Humvee | Self-Propelled Linear Howitzer | Transport Truck
Naval Ship
Aegis-class | Kuraomikami-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Heli | Small Communication Shuttle | Small Shuttle
Transporter / Supply Ship
Albatross | Life Boat
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Archangel-class | FFMH-Y101 Eternal | Izumo-class
Junk Guild / Desert Dawn / Civilians
Land Vehicle
Jeep | Gatling Truck | Half Truck
Press VTOL
Transporter / Supply Ship
Re.H.O.M.E. | Silverwind | Tsiolkovsky

SEED MSV Mechanics
Earth Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Strike Gundam's variations
GAT-01A1 Dagger | GAT-01A1+AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Dagger | GAT-X105+AQM/E-M1 Strike Gundam IWSP | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Strike Gundam
Duel Gundam's variation
GAT-01D Long Dagger | GAT-01D1 Duel Dagger
Buster Gundam's variation
GAT/A-01E2 Buster Dagger
Calamity Gundam's variation
GAT-X133 Sword Calamity Gundam
Forbidden Gundam's variations
GAT-706S Deep Forbidden | GAT-X255 Forbidden Blue
Raider Gundam's variation
GAT-333 Raider Full Spec

Moebius Zero's variation
AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker
Skygrasper's variation
FXet-565 Cosmograsper
Mobile Weapon
DINN's variation
AME-WAC01 DINN Special Electronic Installation Type
BuCUE's variations
TMF/A-802 P-Mod.W BuCUE Waltfeld Custom Type | TMF/TR-2 BuCUE Tactical Reconnaissance Type
GINN's variations
TMF/S-3 GINN OCHER Type | UWMF/S-1 GINN WASP Type | YF-3A GINN FEMWS | YMF-01B Proto GINN | ZGMF-1017 GINN Ceremonial Decoration Type | ZGMF-1017 Miguel's GINN | ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type | ZGMF/TAR-X1 GINN Tactical Air Reconnaissance Type
GOOhN's variation
UTA/TE-6 GOOhN Underground Mobility Test Type
ZGMF-515 CGUE's variation
ZGMF-600 GuAIZ's variation
YFX-600R GuAIZ Experimental Firearms Type

METEOR's variation
Verne 35A/MPFM Multipurpose Flight Module
Orb Union / Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Strike Gundam's variations
GAT-X105+P202QX Strike Gundam IWSP | GAT-X105+P204QX Lightning Strike Gundam | MBF-02+P202QX Strike Rouge IWSP
M1 Astray's variation
MBF-M1A M1A Astray

Skygrasper's variation
FX-550+P204QX Lightning Grasper

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray Mechanics
Junk Guild
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame | TMF/A-802 P-Mod.W BuCUE Waltfeld Custom Type | ZGMF-1017 Works GINN
Mobile Armor

Land Battleship
Transporter / Supply Ship
Marseille III-class | Re.H.O.M.E.
Serpent Tail
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-P03 Gundam Astray Blue Frame | MBF-P03secondL Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second L | ZGMF-1017 Elijah's GINN | ZGMF-1017 Gai's GINN
Mobile Armor
TS-MA2 Moebius

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Orb Union
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-X133 Sword Calamity Gundam | MBF-01 Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Perfect Form | MBF-M1 M1 Astray | MBF-P01 Gundam Astray Gold Frame | MBF-P01-ReAMATU Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu | MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame | MBF-P03 Gundam Astray Blue Frame

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Earth Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01 Strike Dagger | GAT-X105 Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 Sword Strike Gundam | GAT-X133 Sword Calamity Gundam
Mobile Armor
TS-MA2 Moebius

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMF-101 DINN | GAT-X102 Duel Gundam | GAT-X103 Buster Gundam | GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam | GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam | TFA-2 ZuOOT | TMF/A-802 BuCUE | TMF/S-3 GINN OCHER Type | UMF-4A GOOhN | UMF-5 ZnO | UWMF/S-1 GINN WASP Type | YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms | YMF-01B Proto GINN | ZGMF-515 CGUE | ZGMF-600 GuAIZ | ZGMF-1017 GINN | ZGMF-1017 Miguel's GINN | ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Laurasia-class | Nazca-class
Actaeon Industries
Land Vehicle
Self-Propelled Linear Howitzer | Bulldog
Pirates / Civilians
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
TFA-2 ZuOOT | TMF/A-802 BuCUE | UMF-4A GOOhN | UTA/TE-6 GOOhN Underground Mobility Test Type | YMF-01B Proto GINN

Transporter / Supply Ship
Courier Ship | Liteiria | Pirate Transport | Tsiolkovsky
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Agamemnon-class | Nelson-class