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The YG-III Gundam G-Else is a Gunpla appearing in Gundam Build Divers Break. Based on the YG-111 Gundam G-Self, it is built and piloted by Zen.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Gundam G-Else maintains the wide range of motions of its base Gunpla, the YG-111 Gundam G-Self, while having improved offensive power due to the weapons and functions hidden in the 'Grow Up Unit' mounted on the tips of its four limbs. Its battle style revolves around the use of these Grow Up Units. There is a 'Before' and 'After' version of the Gunpla based on the time period of the story, where it changes from a mainly white color scheme with purple accent, to a mainly black color scheme accompanied by some differences in details, such as a newly built mask armor attached to the head that has two additional eyes and antennas.


  • Grow Up Arm
Mounted around each forearm, it is built specifically for the Gunpla. In addition to functioning as a shield, it also has built-in Beam Saber and Beam Rifle functions, as well as a built-in propulsion device. The wings of the YG-111 Gundam G-Self's Atmospheric Pack have been reused, customized and strenghtened alongside the claws on the tips of the limbs, gaining a cutting edge as sharp as a physical sword. They can also be used as remotely controlled weapons.
  • Grow Up Leg
Another specifically built equipment, they serve as the Gunpla's feet and resemble the claws of raptors. Similar to the Grow Up Arms, these Grow Up Units can also be used as remotely controlled weapons.
  • Beam Rifle
The basic equipment of the G-Self has been reused. It is a highly destructive medium-range weapon that accelerates and shoots Mega Particles.


Picture Gallery[]


Notes & Trivia[]


External links[]

Gundam Build Divers Original Gunpla
Build Divers
Mobile Suit
Command Gatling Gundam | GN-0000DVR Gundam 00 Diver | GN-0000DVR/A Gundam 00 Diver Ace | GN-0000DVR/S Gundam 00 Sky | GN-0000DVR/S/HWS Gundam 00 Sky HWS‎‎ | HER-SELF Mobile Doll Sarah | Knight Gundam Lancer | Musha Tousou Gundam | PEN-01M Momokapool | RGM-86RBM GM III Beam Master | RGM-89BM Jegan Blast Master | RMS-117G11 Galbaldy Rebake | RX-零 RX-Zeromaru | RX-零/覚醒 RX-Zeromaru (Shinki Kessho)
Mobile Suit
AGE-IIMG Gundam AGEII Magnum | AGE-IIMG-SV Gundam AGEII Magnum SV ver. | AGMF-X56S/a Impulse Gundam Arc | AGMF-X56S/l Impulse Gundam Lancier
Mobile Suit
GNX-803OG Ogre GN-X | MSN-03SL Jagd Doga Thorn | RX-78GP02R Gundam GP-Rase-Two | WMS-03NT Maganac Cinnabar | xvt-mmc Geara Ghirarga | ZM-S22S 凶 Rig Shokew Magatsu
Le Chat Noir / Chat Noir Neo
Mobile Suit
RX-零 RX-Zeromaru | SG Char's Zaku II | SG Gundam | SG ν Gundam | SG Sazabi | Shock Gundam | Super Shock Gundam
GBN Administration
Mobile Suit
GBN-GF01 GBN-Guard Frame | GBN-GF/RX78 GBN-Base Gundam | OZ-06MS[MPD] Leo NPD
Mobile Suit
GF13-017NJ/B Gundam Shining Break | YG-III Gundam G-Else
Mobile Suit
GH-001RB Grimoire Red Beret | GN-1001N Seravee Gundam Scheherazade | MBF-PNN Gundam Astray No-Name | RX-78TB-2[SB] Gundam Stormbringer | Tequila Gundam Daniel Custom | XXXG-01S2龍虎狼 Gundam Jiyan Altron | ZGMF-X20A-LP Gundam Love Phantom
Mobile Pod
RB-79PP Polypodball
Machine Rider
Supply Ship
Lotus Fortress

Gundam Build Divers Break Original Gunpla
Mobile Suit
GF13-017NJ/B Gundam Shining Break | YG-III Gundam G-Else
Mobile Suit
RMS-099BC Build Γ Gundam | GN-011Z Gundam Zerachiel | Variant