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The YF-3A GINN FEMWS is a mobile suit introduced in the original design series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED MSV.

Technology and Combat Characteristics[]

Based upon the basic frame of the ZGMF-1017 GINN, the GINN FEMWS (Fighter Experiment Maneuver in Water & Surface) is an experimental mobile suit designed for underwater combat. Referred to as the 'Proto GOOhN' by its developers,[1] the suit's armament consisted of only two arm-mounted 7-barrel torpedo launchers. The GINN FEMWS can also deploy decoys from its head to fool the enemy's sonar system.[1] The data gained from the GINN FEMWS was used to develop UMF-4A GOOhN.


  • 533mm 7-barrel Torpedo Launcher
One on each arm, the torpedoes are rocket-propelled and can be used on land and in the sea.


During the First Alliance-PLANT War, ZAFT created several variants of its standard ZGMF-1017 GINN to fulfill different purposes. One such variant was the YF-3A GINN FEMWS, which was a prototype amphibious mobile suit. On April 10, CE 70, one GINN FEMWS was piloted by Marco Morassim, who led a team of three UWMF/S-1 GINN WASP Types into battle against the Earth Alliance's 21st Anti-Submarine Warfare Fleet in the Coral Sea. The EA's fleet was wiped out save for one survivor, Jane Houston.[2]



Notes & Trivia[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Seed MSV Senki, Field 02 Coral Sea C.E. 70
  2. Mobile Suit Gundam SEED MSV: Battlefield Record Chapter 2, Field 02: Coral Sea

External links[]

SEED MSV Mechanics
Earth Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Strike Gundam's variations
GAT-01A1 Dagger | GAT-01A1+AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Dagger | GAT-X105+AQM/E-M1 Strike Gundam IWSP | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Strike Gundam
Duel Gundam's variation
GAT-01D Long Dagger | GAT-01D1 Duel Dagger
Buster Gundam's variation
GAT/A-01E2 Buster Dagger
Calamity Gundam's variation
GAT-X133 Sword Calamity Gundam
Forbidden Gundam's variations
GAT-706S Deep Forbidden | GAT-X255 Forbidden Blue
Raider Gundam's variation
GAT-333 Raider Full Spec

Moebius Zero's variation
AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker
Skygrasper's variation
FXet-565 Cosmograsper
Mobile Weapon
DINN's variation
AME-WAC01 DINN Special Electronic Installation Type
BuCUE's variations
TMF/A-802 P-Mod.W BuCUE Waltfeld Custom Type | TMF/TR-2 BuCUE Tactical Reconnaissance Type
GINN's variations
TMF/S-3 GINN OCHER Type | UWMF/S-1 GINN WASP Type | YF-3A GINN FEMWS | YMF-01B Proto GINN | ZGMF-1017 GINN Ceremonial Decoration Type | ZGMF-1017 Miguel's GINN | ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type | ZGMF/TAR-X1 GINN Tactical Air Reconnaissance Type
GOOhN's variation
UTA/TE-6 GOOhN Underground Mobility Test Type
ZGMF-515 CGUE's variation
ZGMF-600 GuAIZ's variation
YFX-600R GuAIZ Experimental Firearms Type

METEOR's variation
Verne 35A/MPFM Multipurpose Flight Module
Orb Union / Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Strike Gundam's variations
GAT-X105+P202QX Strike Gundam IWSP | GAT-X105+P204QX Lightning Strike Gundam | MBF-02+P202QX Strike Rouge IWSP
M1 Astray's variation
MBF-M1A M1A Astray

Skygrasper's variation
FX-550+P204QX Lightning Grasper