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The XXXG-01HD Gundam Derringer Arms is a Romefeller Foundation mass production Mobile Suit based on the XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Custom. It appears solely in the semi-official one-issue comic New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Sidestory: Tiel's Impulse.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

Late in the war, the Romefeller Foundation began development on a new series of mass production Gundams to reverse their failing fortunes. Inspired by the XXXG-01H2 Gundam Heavyarms Custom, they produced a heavy assault Gundam dubbed Derringer Arms, named for the 19th century Derringer pocket pistols. As its name implies, Derringer Arms was intended to be less powerful and to function in a more localized area, specifically to act as a guard for bases or capital cities. The design was refined through cost-cutting measures so it features less weapons than its original counterpart as well as removing the distinctive V-fin antenna antenna, lowering the overall range of its radar. Its main arsenal consisted of a handheld double Gatling gun, chest-mounted Gatling guns, homing missiles and micro-missiles, but less in number than its inspiration. This was due to the fact it was always intended to operate near a location where it could be resupplied quickly.


  • Gatling Gun
Like its inspiration, Derringer Arms mounts Gatling guns behind openable armor shutters on its chest. However, due to lack of data it is unknown if it possesses two Gatlings like the original Heavyarms or four like the upgraded Heavyarms Custom.
  • Micromissile Launcher
Derringer Arms mounts micromissile launchers in its shoulders, though it isn't known if it possesses the waist-mounted launchers seen on Gundam Heavyarms Custom.
  • Homing Missile Launcher
Like Gundam Heavyarms Custom, Derringer Arms features two homing missile pods mounted onto each of its lower legs.
  • Double Gatling Gun
Derringer Arms carries one double-barreled Gatling gun like the Gundam Heavyarms Custom, or the MMS-01 Serpent, though it's unknown if this version is still a solid bullet-firing weapon or a beam weapon.


With the end of the conflict, the mass-produced Derringer Arms units were never used. However, the following month, one unit was stolen by Trinoi Levinski, a former member of OZ's space force who was forced to retire after sustaining injuries to his left arm. Along with his friends Tiel and Krung Ponlamaai, Trinoi went to the shoal zone "Graveyard of Soldiers" in an attempt to locate Tiel's missing brother. When the trio finally reached the Graveyard of Soldiers, they encountered the Romafeller's pursuit force at least two times, Trinoi was able to destroy both enemy Gundams in the second battle, although his Gundam Derringer Arms explodes from sustained damage, at the cost of his own life.


Notes & Trivia[]

  • The name Derringer comes from a genericized term for any palm/pocket-sized, often single-shot pistol, though that name is a misspelling of Deringer.
  • The Derringer Arms model kit depicted in the Ultimate Playing Book consists of a Gundam Heavyarms Custom (EW) model with the forearms from either Vayeate or Mercurius.

External links[]

Tiel's Impulse Mechanics
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
XXXG-00W0S Wing Gundam Seraphim | XXXG-01HD Gundam Derringer Arms | XXXG-01ST T'ien-Lung Gundam
Romefeller Foundation
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
XXXG-00W0L Gundam Lucifer | XXXG-00W0S Wing Gundam Seraphim | XXXG-01DG Gundam Deathscythe Guilty | XXXG-01DG2 Gundam Deathscythe Guilty Custom | XXXG-01HD Gundam Derringer Arms | XXXG-01SRL Gundam Sandleon | XXXG-01SRL2 Gundam Sandleon Custom | XXXG-01ST T'ien-Lung Gundam
Mariemaia Army
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
XXXG-01ST T'ien-Lung Gundam
Mobile Doll
OZ-11MS Capricorn