Twanning (トワニング?) is a character from the Mobile Suit Gundam anime series, who also appears in the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin manga. He later re-appears in the photo-novel Gundam Sentinel.
Mobile Suit Gundam[]
Twanning is a Zeon officer stationed in the control room of A Baoa Qu. When Kycilia Zabi assassinates Gihren Zabi, Twanning quickly calms down the other soldiers and gets them following Kycilia's orders. Kycilia later gives him orders to surrender A Baoa Qu, telling him that she'll arrange to get him back when they exchange POWs.
His fate is unknown but it could be highly presumed that he had perished in the inferno happening throughout A Boa Qu when the Zanzibar-class ship was destroyed by Federation ships.
Gundam Sentinel[]
In the photonovel Gundam Sentinel, it is revealed he survived the Battle of A Baoa Qu and joined up with the Zeon Remnants at Axis. Now a member of Neo Zeon, he has risen to the rank of Admiral, and even commands the second Gwadan-class battleship Gwaley. He provides shelter to the surviving members of the New Desides after the events of the Pezun Rebellion, and even provides them with the prototype mobile armor AMA-100 Z'od-iacok.