Tony Takezaki presents GUNDAM manga (トニーたけざきのガンダム漫画) is a gag manga written and illustrated by Tony Takezaki. It was serialized sporadically in Gundam Ace, from issue No. 003[1] to No. 100.[2] The series has been collected into three volumes, though several stories are missing from these collections.[3] The series parodies the original Mobile Suit Gundam TV series, and is especially centered around the character, Char Aznable.
A collection of drawn manga and fumetti panels of Gundam models and customized figures, Tony Takezaki presents GUNDAM manga is a humorous depiction of events that take place during the One Year War.
Volume 1[]
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- Episode 7
- Episode 8
- Episode 9
- Episode 10
- Episode 11
- Episode 12
- Episode 13
- Episode 14
- Episode 15
- Episode 16
- Episode 17
- Episode 18
- Episode 19
- Omake!
- Omake!
Volume 2[]
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- Omake!
- Episode 7
- Omake!
- Episode 8
- Episode 9
- Episode 10
- Episode 11
- Episode 12
- Episode 13
- Episode 14
- Episode 15
- Episode 16
- Omake!
Volume 3[]
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- Omake!
- Episode 7
- Episode 8
- Episode 9
- Omake!
- Episode 10
- Episode 11
- Episode 12
- Episode 13
- Episode 14
- Episode 15
- Episode 16
- Episode 17
- Episode 18
- Episode 19
- Episode 20
- Episode 21
- Episode 22
- Episode 23
- Episode 24
- Omake!
Earth Federation[]
- Amuro Ray
- Bright Noa
- Fraw Bow
- Hayato Kobayashi
- Kai Shiden
- Sayla Mass
- Mirai Yashima
- Sleggar Law
- Tem Ray
- Ryu Jose
- Matilda Ajan
- General Revil
- Haro
Principality of Zeon[]
- Char Aznable
- Kycilia Zabi
- Degwin Sodo Zabi
- Dozle Zabi
- Garma Zabi
- Gihren Zabi
- Lalah Sune
- Crowley Hamon
- M'Quve
- Ramba Ral
- Black Tri-Stars
Earth Federation[]
Mobile Suit[]
- RGM-79 GM
- RX-77-2 Guncannon
- RX-78-2 Gundam
- RX-75-4 Guntank
- Gundam diecast
Mobile Armor[]
Support Unit[]
Principality of Zeon[]
Mobile Suit[]
- MS-05 Zaku I
- MS-06 Zaku II
- MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type
- MS-07 Gouf
- MS-09 Dom
- MS-09R Rick Dom
- MS-14 Gelgoog
- MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type
- MSM-03 Gogg
- MSM-04 Acguy
- MSM-07 Z'Gok
- MSM-07S Z'Gok Commander Type
- MSM-10 Zock
- MSN-02 Zeong
- YMS-15 Gyan
- MS-39 Saku
- MS-39 Saku Char's Custom
- Great Ginza
Mobile Pod[]
- RB-79A12 Char's Custom Assult Type
- RB-79/M' QUVE Custom
- RB-79 Ramba Ral
Mobile Armor[]
- Volume.1 ISBN 4-04-713610-7-C0979
- Volume.2 ISBN 978-4-04-713917-6-C0979
- Volume.3 ISBN 978-4-04-715375-2-C0979
External links[]
- Tony Takezaki's Gundam manga on Anime News Network