The Gundam Scientists were the five scientists responsible for the design and construction of the OZ-00MS Tallgeese mobile suit, alongside Mike Howard. The Tallgeese, however, was deemed too powerful and thus the United Earth Sphere Alliance decided to downscale it for mass production as the OZ-06MS Leo. Afterward, the scientists also drew up the schematics for the first Gundam, which was superior to even the Tallgeese, but they collectively realized that no individual should have control of that much power, and ultimately did not build it. When the Gundam Scientists went their separate ways and the space colonies were cut off from each other, they would use these blueprints as a basis to construct their own individual Gundams as a part of Operation Meteor.
Later, the blueprints left by Professor H would be found by a distraught Quatre Raberba Winner, who would finish the construction of the mobile suit XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero.
The scientists and their unique suits are listed below.