Super-Class! Mobile Fighter G Gundam is a manga reinterpretation of the TV anime Mobile Fighter G Gundam with some new and other recounted events, written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Imagawa and Kazuhiko Shimamoto, and published in July 2010 in Gundam Ace.
Smoke rises to announce the start of the Gundam Fight! When Domon's right hand glows and growls, the Shining Finger explodes in the streets of Neo Italy!
- Round 1 - Wandering Domon
- Round 2 - Wandering Domon
- Round 3 - Wandering Domon
- Round 4 - Wandering Domon
- Round 5 - Wandering Domon
- Round 6 - Wandering Domon
- Round 7 - Wandering Domon
- Round 8 - Wandering Domon
- Round 9 - Wandering Domon
- Round 10 - Wandering Domon
- Round 11 - Wandering Domon
- Round 12 - Wandering Domon
- Round 13 - Wandering Domon
- Round 14 - The Night Before Shinjuku
- Domon Kasshu
- Rain Mikamura
- Chibodee Crocket
- George de Sand
- Sai Saici
- Argo Gulskii
- Master Asia
- Stalker
- Ulube Ishikawa
- Karato
- Dr. Mikamura
- Raizo Kasshu
- Kyoji Kasshu
- Mikino Kasshu
- Nastasha Zabigov
- Michelo Chariot
- Zuizen and Keiun
- Chibodee Gals
- Andrew Graham
- Norma Graham
- Raymond Bishop
- Maria Louise
- Frank Gastro
- Chico Rodriguez
- Gina Rodriguez
- Gentle Chapman
- Manon Chapman
- Dahal Muhammad
- Schwarz Bruder
- Saette Gyuzelle
Mobile Weapons[]
- GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam
- GF13-006NA Gundam Maxter
- GF13-009NF Gundam Rose
- GF13-011NC Dragon Gundam
- GF13-013NR Bolt Gundam
- GF13-055NI Neros Gundam
- GF13-049NM Tequila Gundam
- GF13-052NT Minaret Gundam
- GF13-083NCB Arachno Gundam
- GF4-001NE Pharaoh Gundam IV
- GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII
- GF13-003NEL John Bull Gundam
- GF13-037NCA Lumber Gundam
Reference Gallery[]
- Vol.1 ISBN 978-4-04-715594-7-C0979
- Vol.2 ISBN 978-4-04-715595-4-C0979
- Vol.3 ISBN 978-4-04-715632-6-C0979
- Vol.4 ISBN 978-4-04-715692-0-C0979
- Vol.5 ISBN 978-4-04-715753-8-C0979
- Vol.6 ISBN 978-4-04-715792-7-C0979
- Vol.7 ISBN 978-4-04-120071-1-C0000
External Links[]
Future Century | |
Anime | G Gundam | Comprehensive Episode Listing |
Topics | Characters | Locations | Mobile Suits | Nations and Factions | Technology | Warships and Spacecraft |
Books/Manga |
G Gundam (Manga) | G Gundam (Novel) | 7th Fight | Flying Dragon Legend | Tower Of Death | Revenge of J Gundam | Edge of Gunsmoke | The Next Generation | Super-Class! Mobile Fighter G Gundam — Super-Class! Shinjuku: Undefeated of the East! - Super-Class! Erupting Neo Hong Kong! - Super-Class! The Final Battle |
Timelines | Ad Stella | Advanced Generation | After Colony | After War | Anno Domini | Build Fighters | Correct Century | Cosmic Era | Future Century | Mars Century | Post Disaster | Regild Century | SD Gundam | Universal Century |