South Indian Ocean waves U.C. 0093 (南インド洋 波高し U.C.0093) is a manga short story about Mobile Suit Gundam: Record of MS Wars II, written and illustrated by Kazuhisa Kondo and released by B-club magazine in 1988 No. 37 [1].
A handful of shipwrecked soldiers get caught by a camouflaged Zeon ship, but after a battle they are shipwrecked again.
Neo Zeon[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Camouflaged ship
Earth Federation[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 (1988-11-30) B‐CLUB No. 37 (in Japanese). Bandai. ISBN 9784891894177.