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The Skirmish at Heliopolis is a conflict featured in the manga Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray and the novel Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray.


During the war between the Earth Alliance and PLANT, the EA organized a secret project with the Orb Union’s Sahaku family to develop a series of advanced mobile suits at Orb’s space colony Heliopolis.[1] Unbeknownst to the EA, while Morgenröte was providing genuine assistance, they also stole data on many of the technologies used by the G Project for their own mobile suit development, the Astray Project.[2]

In January of C.E. 71, information on mobile suit development at Heliopolis had leaked and ZAFT had begun to investigate. Fearing that the Astray Project was in danger, Morgenröte engineer Erica Simmons contacted her friend, The Professor, to have the Junk Guild go to Heliopolis and secure the Astray prototypes. At that same time, Gai Murakumo, leader of Serpent Tail, was hired to steal the Astray mobile suits for an unknown client.

On January 25, just as both the G Project and Astray Project prototypes had been completed, ZAFT forces led by the Le Creuset Team invaded Heliopolis and attacked the Morgenröte Facility, stealing four of the five G Project Gundams.[3] The Earth Alliance forces managed to keep one of the mobile suits, the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, with the help of a civilian, and were able to counterattack with their new Archangel-class assault ship.[4] The resulting battle destroyed Heliopolis’ support structure, causing the colony to collapse.[5] Afterward, the Archangel abandoned Heliopolis with ZAFT in pursuit.[6]

After the fighting had ended, the Junk Guild had arrived to find the colony in ruins. After entering the remains of the Morgenröte Facility, Lowe Guele found two of the Astray prototypes, the MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame and the MBF-P03 Gundam Astray Blue Frame. In addition, he also found the right arm of the MBF-P01 Gundam Astray Gold Frame.[7]

The Battle[]



Notes & Trivia[]




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