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Duo finds Trowa at the circus, but realizes that Trowa has lost his memory and is soon driven away by Catherine. Relena is forced to dissolve the Sanc Kingdom in order to save the lives of the people in the country and agrees to become a prisoner of OZ, though Dermail realizes that she might be the symbol needed to unify OZ which Romefeller presently lacks. Noin and Quatre leave for space while Heero loses control of Epyon and continues to destroy the mobile dolls.

Gundam Wing Episodes

The Shooting Star She Saw | The Gundam Deathscythe | Five Gundams Confirmed | The Victoria Nightmare | Relena's Secret | Party Night | Scenario for Bloodshed | The Treize Assassination | Portrait of a Ruined Country | Heero, Distracted by Defeat | The Whereabouts of Happiness | Bewildered Warriors | Catherine's Tears | The Order to Destroy 01 | To the Battleground Antarctica | The Sorrowful Battle | Betrayed by Home, Far Away | Tallgeese Destroyed | Assault on Barge | The Lunar Base Infiltration | Grief Stricken Quatre | The Fight for Independence | Duo, the God of Death Once Again | The Gundam They Called Zero | Quatre VS Heero | The Eternal Flame of the Shooting Stars | The Locus of Victory and Defeat | Passing Destinies | The Heroine of the Battlefield | The Reunion with Relena | The Glass Kingdom | The God of Death Meets Zero | The Lonely Battlefield | And Its Name is Epyon | The Return of Wufei | Sanc Kingdom's Collapse | Zero VS Epyon | The Birth of Queen Relena | Trowa's Return to the Battlefield | A New Leader | Crossfire at Barge | Battleship Libra | Target:Earth | Go Forth, Gundam Team | Signs of the Final Battle | Milliardo's Decision | Collision in Space | Takeoff into Confusion | The Final Victor