The Gundam Wiki
The Gundam Wiki




Mobile Weapons

  • ARZ-106HZ Hi-Zack (ReZeon Captured specification)
  • ARZ-125 Re-Hyze
  • ARZ-125 Rehaize
  • RX-124 Gundam TR-6 (Kehaar II) (ReZeon Captured specification)
  • ARZ-106GZk Gran-Zack
  • ARZ-106HZ2 Hi-Zack2
  • ARZ-108GMr Gran-Marasai
  • Granpery.Re
  • ARZ-124FV Fiver II
  • ARZ-124 Gundam Inle Wondwart
  • RX-123 Gundam TR-S El-Ahrairah
  • RGM-79Q GM Quel [ReZeon use]
  • ARZ-124KH-2 Khear II
Universal Century Nations and Factions
Earth Federation
Criminal Police Organization | Earth Federation Forces | Federation Survey Service
Earth Federation Forces Subdivisions
08th Mobile Suit Team | 13th Autonomous Corps | 23rd Independent Fleet | Aggressor Squadron | Black Dog Squad | Circe Unit | ECOAS | Grave | Londo Bell | Man Hunting Attachment | Moore Brotherhood | Phantom Sweep Corps | Slave Wraith | Task Force Alpha | Tianem Fleet | Titans | White Dingo Team
Principality of Zeon
Autonomous Republic of Munzo | Black Tri-Stars | Chimera Corps | Cyclops Team | Eagle Corps | Griffon Corps | Hunter Corps | Invisible Knights | Kycilia Agency | Living Dead Division | Marchosias Team | Midnight Fenrir Corps | Republic of Zeon | Rommel Corps | Simbu Base Corps | Tombstone Project | Zeon Remnants - Delaz Fleet - Kimberlite Forces
Neo Zeon Movements
Axis Zeon - 3-D Team - Glemy Faction | Newborn Neo Zeon | Jupiter Phantom | Mars Zeon/Oldsmobile Army | ReZeon | Sleeves
Anti-Earth Federation Movements
Anti Earth Union Group - Gundam Team | African Liberation Front | The Blue Team | Karaba | Mafty - Mafty's 1st Army
South Seas Alliance | Crossbone Vanguard | Cosmo Babylonia | Jupiter Empire | Jupiter Energy Fleet | Riah Republic | Zanscare Empire/BESPA | Congress of Settlement Nations | Settlement Freedom League | Illuminati | Metatron/Zi Zeon | Saint Gotthard Colony
Non-Governmental Organizations
Anaheim Electronics | Buch Concern | Colony Public Corporation | Hervic Company | League Militaire | Luio & Co. | SNRI | Flanagan Institute | Minovsky Physics Society | MIP | New Desides | Newtype Research Institute | Vist Foundation | Zimmad | Zeonic | List of Universal Century companies