Re-Entry to Earth (大気圏突入 Taikiken Totsunyū) is the 5th episode of Mobile Suit Gundam. It first aired on May 5, 1979 in Japan and on July 27, 2001 in North America. This episode was written by Hiroyuki Hoshiyama.
The SCV-70 White Base, accompanied by a Salamis-class cruiser from Luna II, approaches the Earth. As Fraw Bow hands soap and towels to the Side 7 evacuees, Amuro Ray fixes a remote control toy car for a little boy. The boy's grandfather tells Amuro that the boy lost his parents during the One Week Battle, and asks Amuro about his parents. Amuro tells the man that his mother lives on Earth, while his father remains missing since the attack on Side 7. The man tells Amuro about his life on Earth, his coffee plantation in South America, and his desire to take his grandchild to where he grew up. Resolutely, the man plans to never leave that place, no matter if the Earth Federation or Zeon attempt to make him leave.
As the White Base approaches reentry, Bright Noa asks Mirai Yashima if she can handle the attempt the atmospheric entry. Mirai claims that while she's done it once, it was with the help of terrestrial communication networks and on a completely different craft, a space glider. Bright assures her that it is not that dissimilar and asks her to follow the lead of the Salamis cruiser. Mirai, however, is more worried about Char Aznable and his Musai-class, refusing to believe they'd let them escape, but Bright asks her to concentrate solely on reentry. The plan, as per Lieutenant Reed of the Salamis is for the White Base to match speed with a shuttle launched from the Salamis, as it guides them through reentry.
The bridge of the White Base observes the Musai receive supplies from a Sodon Tug ship, which Bright speculates might mean they've given up the chase. Meanwhile, as the Musai receives three MS-06 Zaku IIs, Char speaks to his pilots, J.Q., Crown and Kohm. They have twenty minutes left before the White Base begins its reentry, and Char admits their plan of attack is an unprecedentedly small, high risk window, as even Zakus will burn up in reentry if they're pulled by Earth's gravity and suffer from atmospheric friction. However, with the White Base totally focused on re-entry, Char sees it as the perfect moment to attack, with their objectives being to capture or disable the White Base and the Gundam, within the two minutes of combat time available to them before reentry.
The crew of the Salamis separates, with those headed to Earth, including Lt. Reed, leaving in a reentry capsule, and those returning to Luna II retreating in the Salamis itself. Lt. Reed intends to use the shuttle to guide the White Base into reentry. Crew member Camilla believes that the Musai docking with the Sodon is a sign that the Musai is unlikely to attack, either due to being resupplied or some other trouble. As Lt. Reed's capsule launches, he wonders if Char will attack. As the White Base follows the capsule, Bright orders the base into high-alert, preparing for both reentry and a potential attack by the Red Comet. Soon, Char approaches on his MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type accompanied by the three other Zaku IIs. Amuro launches on the RX-78-2 Gundam, but is given a strict with a strict time limit of four minutes by Sayla Mass, at which time they will reach Earth's atmosphere and the Gundam will burn up in reentry. Nervous about facing four Zakus, Amuro asks if he will receive assistance from the White Base, which Sayla informing him that Kai Shiden and Ryu Jose will cover him with the White Base's rear missiles and machine guns.
Dren launches a small shuttle, a Komusai, from the Musai while ordering the Musai to fire missiles on Reed's shuttle. The Zakus begin firing but are too far for Amuro to intercept. The missiles get by him and nearly strike the White Base. Due to their lack of training, the crew, including Hayato Kobayashi and Ryu are unable to effectively use the White Base's defences, which panics Bright. As more missiles hit the White Base, Amuro begins fighting Char but finds that Char is too fast for him. Char makes it past Amuro, who i quickly diverted to the Zakus attacking the shuttle, managing to incapacitate one at the cost of the last of his missile ammo. One Zaku, the one piloted by J.Q attacks the Gundam and falls prey to its vulcans, its last remaining weapon. Sayla is able to launch the Gundam Hammer, but Char has locked on Amuro, and fires. Fortunately, the Gundam Hammer flies right between them, taking the blast, then Amuro grabs it and prepares to fight. He manages to take out Char's weapon, so Char must retreat for the time being.
Reed's shuttle is hit by the Zakus, and has to dock in the White Base, while the lieutenant himself is injured by shrapnel. The White Base begins firing on Char and his remaining pilots. The three close in, and Amuro meets them. He fights Char, fending off his attacks, but Kohm comes up behind him. While blocking Char's heat hawk with his shield, he slams the abdomen of Kohm's suit. Char, fed up with this, slices through the shield and begins to elbow the Gundam's head. Kohm's suit is destroyed from its damage, and Char, knowing that he can't fight Amuro alone, backs off. He calls Crown off too, but Crown is busy evading fire from the White Base. Amuro is called in, but insists on fighting Crown despite orders. Char enters the Komusai shuttle as the risk has become too great.
Both suits soon make it too deep into the atmosphere to return to their ships. Crown shouts to Char for help, but it is too late. Char tells him that because of him, Gundam will now burn up in reentry, so he has not died in vain. His suit burns up in the atmosphere. Meanwhile, Amuro quickly thumbs through the Gundam's manual and tries to find a way to save his life. There, he finds the necessary manoeuvres for reentry, and deploys the Gundam's heat-proof film, covering the Gundam with it. The temperature cools, and Char and Dren watch.
Char contacts Captain Garma Zabi, head of the Earth Occupation Forces and member of the ruling Zabi Family, telling him that he has uncovered Operation V and lost eight Zaku to it. While Char was unable to defeat the White Base and the Gundam, the battle succeeded in changing the trajectory of the White Base, sending them into Zeon territory as he had planned. Garma is pleased, and prepares for Char's arrival.
The White Base makes it through re-entry, and restores contact with Amuro, who has made it through re-entry successfully. As Bright looks on, he decides to have a conversation with Amuro afterwards, but believes that the federation truly have a chance for victory with the Gundam. The evacuees, including the old man and his grandchild look down through the windows at the Earth.
Back on the bridge, the White Base crew realizes that Char has trapped them deep in Zeon territory, and off in the distance they see Zeon forces headed by a Gaw Attack Carrier holding Garma Zabi.
Important Events[]
- Characters Introduced: Reed, Garma Zabi, J.Q., Kohm, Crown
- Deceased: J.Q., Kohm, Crown
- Ships Introduced: Gaw, Komusai, Dopp
- The White Base enters Earth's atmosphere.
- Script: Hiroyuki Hoshiyama
- Unit Director: Ryoji Fujiwara
- Animation Director: Yoshinobu Aobachi