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The RX-139 Hambrabi Mk-Ib "Vampire" is a mobile suit from Gundam Wars I: Project Z.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Hambrabi Mk-Ib "Vampire" is an improved variant of the RX-139 Hambrabi experimentally deployed by the Titans. It features larger wing binders with increased propellant. It is equipped with a radome and strengthened electronics equipment in the extended head portion. As a result, its search capabilities and combat efficiency during MA mode is enhanced.


System Features[]



Gundam Wars Series Original Mechanics
Earth Federation/Titans
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
Epsy Gundam | Nero Trainer | ORX-013 Gundam Mk-V Amuro Ray Type | ORX-013S Gundam Mk-VS Augusta Test Colors | Prototype Nero | RX-139 Hambrabi Mk-Ib "Vampire" | RX-166 Gundam Mk-III "Eagley" | RX-272-2 Gundam Mk-III "Halpuley"
AEUG/Karaba/Anaheim Electronics
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
Anaheim Type "Hyaku" | MSN-00101 Hyaku Ichi Shiki | MSA-003 Nemo High Maneuver | MSA-005M Methuss Mariner | MSA-014 Σ Gundam | MSN-100S Hyaku Shiki Kai | MSZ-006A1B Zeta Plus A1B | MSZ-006BN Zeta Plus BN | MSZ-007 Z Rapier I | MSZZ-000 "ZZ-Zwei"
Axis Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-011 Gaza-G