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The RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Hazel II] is a variant of the TR-6 [Woundwort] series produced by the Titans Test Team. The unit appears in the Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans novel.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

Many of the numerous combat forms of the RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Woundwort] are imitations of existing machines and other members of the TR series. These are distinguished by nicknames in which a “II” is appended to the name of the original machine.

This configuration of the TR-6 [Woundwort] replaces the standard Booster Pod with a double shield type booster pod of the Hyzenthlay II, two composite shield boosters, and a RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Kehaar II] shield. It loses the ability to enter the atmosphere due to the change of Booster Pod. Its beam rifle resembles a model used by the ORX-013 Gundam Mk-V.


  • Composite Shield Booster

The Composite Shield Booster is both a ranged and melee weapon. It is in rifle mode the two heat blades are slide to each side of the barrel exposing an open barrel that fires standard beams. When used as a sword the two heat blades will glow orange and are slide to the center covering the barrel. When in Crow mode the barrel and heat blades are flipped to the back of the Composite Sheild Booster and the "claws" deploy from their stowed position. The crow mode is a tethered claw that will grab onto enemies

  • Keharr II Shield
  • Mega Particle Cannon

Since the tr-6 Hazel ii shares the same back skirt/ backpack as the Tr-6 Haze'n-thley II, it is also assumed that the mega particle cannon housed within is also shared. The Mega Particle Cannon cannot be blocked by standard shields or armor. This weapon functions identically to the weapon of the same name within the waist of the Sazabi, destroying suits in close to mid-range.

  • Beam Rifle




External links[]

The Flag of Titans Mechanics
Earth Federation Forces/Titans
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ORX-005 Gaplant TR-5 [Advanced Hrairoo]​ | RGM-79C GM Type C | RGM-79CR GM Type C High Mobility Type | RGM-79EW EWAC GM | RGM-79Q GM Quel | RGM-79SR GM Sniper III | RMS-106C Hi-Zack Cannon| RMS-117 Galbaldy β High Mobility Type| RMS-154 Barzam | RMS-179 GM II | RX-107 Rosette | RX-107 Rosette Enhanced Land Battle Form | RX-107 [Rosette] Enhanced Land Battle Form (Prototype) | RX-107 TR-4 [Dandelion]​ | RX-121 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel]​ | RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Custom]​ | RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Custom] Icarus Unit | RX-121-1+FF-X29A Gundam TR-1 [Hazel-Rah]​ | RX-121-1+FF-X29A Gundam TR-1 [Hazel-Rah] Second Form | RX-121-2 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel II]​ | RX-121-2 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Owsla]​ | RX-121-2 Gundam TR-1 [Fiver II]​ | RX-121-2 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Owsla] Gigantic Arm Unit | RX-121-2A Gundam TR-1 [Advanced Hazel]​ | RX-121-3C Gundam TR-1 [Haze'n-thley]​ | RX-121-3C Gundam TR-1 [Haze'n-thley-Rah II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Advanced Kehaar II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Gaplant II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Hazel II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Hi-Zack II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Hrairoo II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Haze'n-thley II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Haze'n-thley II-Rah]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Kehaar II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Queenly]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Queenly] Full Armor Form | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Woundwort]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Woundwort] Gigantic Mode | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Woundwort-Rah]​ | YRMS-106 Hi-Zack Pre-Production Type | YRMS-106+BL-85X Bi-Zack TR-2 [Bigwig]​
Mobile Armour
NRX-044 Prototype Asshimar TR-3 [Kehaar]​ | NRX-044[R] Prototype Asshimar TR-3 [Kehaar] Space Type | ORX-005 Gaplant | ORX-005 Gaplant TR-5 | ORX-005 Gaplant TR-5 [Fiver]​ | ORX-005 Gaplant TR-5 [Hrairoo]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Dandelion II]​
[RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Fiver II]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Inle]​ | RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Psyco Inle]​

Aircraft / Spacecraft
FF-X29A G-Parts [Hrududu]​ | FF-X29A G-Parts [Hrududu II] | MP-X86 [Primrose]​ | MX-X87 [Primrose II]​
Transporter / Supply Ship
Cargo Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Alexandria-class | Salamis Kai-class
Zeon Remnants
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06F Zaku II | MS-06F Zaku II [Stutzer]​ | MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type | MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai | MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom | MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight Type | MS-09R Rick Dom [Stutzer]​ | MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II | MS-14 Gelgoog [Stutzer]​ | MS-14B Gelgoog High Mobility Type | MS-14F Gelgoog Marine

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Dodai II
Mother Ship
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MSA-003 Nemo Cannon | MSA-099 Rick Dias [Stutzer]​ | RMS-117 Galbaldy β High Mobility Type | RMS-179 GM II
Mobile Armour
NRX-044 Asshimar