Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta (Kidō Senshi Z Gundam, 機動戦士Zガンダム) is a manga based on the TV series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, written and illustrated by Kazuhisa Kondo published by Kodansha and serialized by Comic BomBom between 1985-1986, in Italy was published by Panini Comics in 6 volumes.
The Year is Universal Century 0087, seven years have now passed since the Duchy of Zeon declared their surrendered to the Earth Federation thus ending the events that have now become known as the One Year War. Now an organized hunt for the remnants of Zeon is underway under the leadership of the Earth Federation Forces Elite Forces the "Titans", An elite force that is accountable only to themselves. However this tyrannical force is not unopposed the global anti-federal government organizational sentiments are gradually spreading among the space colonies. This is the story of one boy Kamille Bidan.
Volume 01[]
- Chapter 1:
- Chapter 2:
- Chapter 3:
- Chapter 4:
Volume 02[]
- Chapter 5:
- Chapter 6:
- Chapter 7:
- Chapter 8:
Volume 03[]
- Chapter 9:
- Chapter 10:
- Chapter 11:
- Chapter 12:
Anti-Earth Union Group[]
- Kamille Bidan
- Fa Yuiry
- Quattro Bajeena
- Bright Noa
- Apolly Bay
- Roberto
- Reccoa Londe
- Henken Bekkener
- Katz Kobayashi
- Astonaige Medoz
- Hasan
- Kai Shiden
- Anna Hanna
- Toraja Toraja
- Tripper
- Samarn
- Saegusa
- Abu Dabia
- Caesar
- Callman
- Hayaii
- Manack
- Torres
- Bask Om
- Jerid Messa
- Kacricon Cacooler
- Emma Sheen
- Lila Milla Rira
- Matosh
- Franklin Bidan
- Hilda Bidan
- Four Murasame
- Rosamia Badam
- Jamaican Daninghan
- Mouar Pharaoh
- Sarah Zabiarov
- Yazan Gable
- Jamitov Hymen
- Paptimus Scirocco
- Ted Ayachi
- Dolk
Anaheim Electronics[]
Luio & Company[]
- Margareta
- Ramban Sqwarm
- Mezun Mex
- Amelia
Mobile Weapons[]
- RMS-099 Rick Dias
- RMS-179 GM II
- MSA-003 Nemo
- MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki
- RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
- Junior Mobile Suit
- MS-14A Gelgoog
- MSA-005 Methuss
- MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam
- RX-178+FXA-05D Super Gundam
- MS-06V Zaku Tank
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Argama-class
- Space Boat
- Beechcraft Model D17 "Comet"
- Dodai Kai
- Flying Armor
- FXA-05D G-Defenser
- Garuda-class
- H.L.L.V.
- Hohsenka
- Irish-class
- Mega Bazooka Launcher
- Salamis Kai-class
- Space Jabber "Shackles"
- Suit Carrier
- Transport Ship
- XB-70 Valkyrie
Mobile Weapons[]
- RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
- RMS-117 Galbaldy β
- RMS-108 Marasai
- RMS-106 Hizack
- PMX-003 The O
- RMS-154 Barzam
- RMV-1 Guntank II
- RGC-80 GM Cannon
- RX-77-3 Guncannon Heavy Arms Type
- RX-110 Gabthley
- RX-139 Hambrabi
- RX-160 Byarlant
- RMS-156 Griffon
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Axis Zeon[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Anaheim Electronics[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Principality of Zeon[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- Vol.1 ISBN 4-06-100458-1
- Vol.2 ISBN 4-06-100465-4
- Vol.3 ISBN 4-06-100468-9
- Vol.1 ISBN 4-07-301026-3
- Vol.2 ISBN 4-07-301204-5
- Vol.3 ISBN 4-07-301351-3
- Vol.4 ISBN 4-8402-0102-1
- Vol.5 ISBN 4-8402-0120-X
- Vol.6 ISBN 4-8402-0135-8
External links[]