Mobile Suit Vor!! (機動戦士ガンダム0080秘話 MS最前線,Kidō Senshi Gundam 0080 Hiwa MS Saizensen)is a single-volume manga written and illustrated by Kazuhisa Kondo, and launched between the years 1988-1989 and serialized in Bandai B-Club issues 38 - 43.
Universal Century 0080,set in the early stages of the Zeon invasion of Earth, on the deployment of pre-Gundam RX-79 prototypes, the RX-75 Guntank and the RX-77 Guncannon, also on the Second Battle of Solomon, the pilot Frederick F. Brown and others.
- ACTION 1: The Battle of Kypck
- ACTION 2: Break the Siege of Zeon!
- ACTION 3: Attack on the African front
- ACTION 4: The order of destruction of oil fields on the seabed
- ACTION 5: The last line of defense
- ACTION 6: The Second Battle of Solomon:0088
AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group)[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Earth Federation Forces[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- RGM-79U GM Sloop
- RX-75 Guntank
- RX-77 Guncannon
- RGM-79 GM
- RGM-79G GM Command
- RGM-79D GM Cold Climate Type
- RGM-79GS GM Command Space Type
Principality of Zeon[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
External links[]