Mobile Suit Gundam in UC 0099: Moon Crisis (機動戦士ガンダムムーンクライシス, Kidou Senshi Gundam: Moon Crisis) was a manga series originally serialized in the magazine MS SAGA from 1993 to 1994, it was compiled into a compilation volume by Media Works. It was later reissued as two volumes by Dengeki Comics in November 1997 and January 1998. Taking place in an altered interpretation of the Universal Century, Moon Crisis is set in the same time-line of Outer Gundam and Mobile Suit Gundam REON, which were written by the same author.
Set in UC 0099, Federation Forces warrant officer Takuna S. Anderson is assigned the new Zeta Prompt prototype, and is deployed in space orbit to escort the Vectra. Three years had passed since the end of the third Neo Zeon conflict, and the world had seen nothing but peace since then. Takuna is charged with a high-altitude escort mission to get the Federal president moved by air, however, the presidential plane is attacked by an unknown group. This incident would set in motion a plan that would risk the survival of mankind.
Chapter.01 Childhood Days[]
Chapter.02 Northern Terrorist[]
Chapter.03 Lunar City Blackout![]
Chapter.04 Orbital Conspiracy[]
Chapter.05 Neverending Complications[]
Chapter.06 Time Until the Vanishing Point[]
Final.Chapter Day of Flames[]
- Takuna S. Anderson
- Mayfa Gilboard
- Tau Lin
- Bellum Howell
- Lowe Shin
- Fedor Krumkin
- Lanough Garriott
- Rainey Goldman
- Tyrant
- Umon
- Saidi
- Lian Laifong
- Jack Woodward
- Ad Gernsback
- Efa Galadriel
- Bright Noa
- Mineva Lao Zabi
- Fa Yuiry
- Judau Ashta
- Roux Louka
- Kamille Bidan
Earth Federation Forces[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- ESM Jegan
- MSZ-006> Z Prompt
- MSZ-006C1 Ζ Plus C1
- MSZ-006C4 Zeta Plus C4
- MSZ-006PL1 Z Plutonius
- MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam
- NRX-044 Asshimar
- RGM-89 Jegan
- RX-93 ν Gundam
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Clop-class
- Napoleon
- Ra Cailum-class (Ra Cailum)
- Vectra
Neo Zeon/Nouvelle AEUG[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- AMS-119 Geara Doga
- AMX-004G Qubeley Mass Production Type
- AMX-009 Dreissen
- AMX-011 Zaku III
- AMX-015 Geymalk
- AMX-210 Voltaire
- Grand Zeong
- MSN-03 Jagd Doga
- Phantom
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Cyress
- Musaka-class
- Rewloola-class
External links[]
- Mobile Suit Gundam in UC 0099: Moon Crisis on Zeonic|Scanlation
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