Mobile Suit Gundam Valpurgis (機動戦士ガンダム ヴァルプルギス) is a manga written by Reiji Kaito and illustated by Hiyon Katsuragi, it is published by Kadokawa in Gundam Ace magazine since August 2017.
Universal Century 0089. Mashiro Oaks is a high school student on Side 2 Colony "Olympus." Who has been told to "not try" from his father as long as he knew, not on tests, or even games, until one day, a Neo Zeon group attack, led by a woman who calls herself Haman Karn, who had died months before, and at the same time a white The O appears, confusing both sides, the injured pilot of which calling Mashiro "Master Paptimus".
Volume 01[]
- Chapter 1: [Respawn I]
- Chapter 2: [Respawn II]
- Chapter 3: [Release I]
- Chapter 4: [Release II]
- Chapter 5: [Release III]
Volume 02[]
- Chapter 6: [Reaction I]
- Chapter 7: [Reaction II]
- Chapter 8: [Resolve I]
- Chapter 9: [Resolve II]
- Chapter 10: [Remain I]
Volume 03[]
- Chapter 11: [Remain II]
- Chapter 12: [Reward I]
- Chapter 13: [Reward II]
- Chapter 14: [Reward III]
- Chapter 15: [Replay I]
Volume 04[]
- Chapter 16: [Replay II]
- Chapter 17: [Replay III]
- Chapter 18: [Replay IV]
- Chapter 19: [Restart I]
- Chapter 20: [Restart II]
- Chapter 21: [Restart III]
Volume 05[]
- Chapter 22: [Restart IV]
- Chapter 23: [Restart V]
- Chapter 24: [Restart VI]
- Chapter 25: [Rejection I]
- Chapter 26: [Rejection II]
- Chapter 27: [Rejection III]
Volume 06[]
- Chapter 28: [Rejection IV]
- Chapter 29: [Rejection V]
- Chapter 30: [Rebirth I]
- Chapter 31: [Rebirth II]
- Chapter 32: [Rebirth III]
- Chapter 33: [Rebirth IV]
Volume 07[]
- Chapter 34: [Rebirth V]
- Chapter 35: [Renege I]
- Chapter 36: [Renege II]
- Chapter 37: [Renege III]
- Chapter 38: [Renege IV]
Volume 08[]
- Chapter 39: [Reincarnation I]
- Chapter 40: [Reincarnation II]
- Chapter 41: [Reincarnation III]
- Chapter 42: [Reincarnation IV]
- Chapter 43: [Reincarnation V]
- Chapter 44: [Reincarnation VI]
Volume 09[]
- Chapter 45: [Reply I]
- Chapter 46: [Reply II]
- Chapter 47: [Reply III]
- Chapter 48: [Reply IV]
- Chapter 49: [Realise I]
Volume 10[]
- Chapter 50: [Realise II]
- Chapter 51: [Realise III]
- Chapter 52: [Realise IV]
- Chapter 53: [Resonance I]
- Chapter 54: [Resonance II]
- Chapter 55: [Resonance III]
- Chapter 56: [Resonance IV]
- Mashiro Oaks
- Lucia(ルチア)
AEUG/Earth Federation Forces[]
- Thane Amadio (セイン・アマディオ)
- Roxanne Rocks(ロクサーヌ・ロックス)
- Frederica Herme(フレドリカ・エルメ)
- Jesse Leon (ジェシー・レオン)
- Christoph Marley(マーレイ・クリストフ)
- Alize Mateba(アリーゼ・マテバ)
Anaheim Electronics[]
- Raymond Mekynes(レイモン・メキネス)
Neo Zeon[]
- Selena Karn as "Haman Karn"
- Haman Karn (mentions and flashbacks)
- Ernardo Bat (エルナルド・バト)
- Fiorina Feeley (フィオリーナ・フィーリー)
- Conchetta Feeley
- Tonio Oaks
- Paptimus Scirocco (Flashbacks)
- AGX-11 Over.on
- PMX-000G Messala Glashtin
- AGX-11 Over.on + PMX-000G Messala Glashtin
- PMX-000 Messala
- Psycho Flare Orpheus
- RX-139 Hambrabi
- RX-110 Gabthley
- PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn (Clan Refurbishment Spec)
- PMX-004-2 Tytania II
AEUG/Earth Federation[]
- MSZ-008V ZII V type
- MSZ-009H F.A.V.N.R.
- MSA-003 Nemo Rimes
- MSA-003 Nemo
- RMS-179 GM II
- MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam (Flashback)
Earth Federation Forces top secret agency, Storm[]
Neo Zeon[]
- AMX-011S Zaku III Custom
- AMX-102 Zssa
- AMX-003 Gaza-C
- AMX-006 Gaza-D
- AMX-101 Galluss-J
- AMX-114 Demeter
- MS-11R Zaku Machinery
- PMX-003 The O(Flashback)
PMC Wellcast[]
Japanese Release[]
- Vol.1 ISBN 978-4-04-106541-9
- Vol.2 ISBN 978-4-04-107280-6
- Vol.3 ISBN 978-4-04-107891-4
- Vol.4 ISBN 978-4-04-108670-4
- Vol.5 ISBN 978-4-04-109214-9
- Vol.6 ISBN 978-4-04-109812-7
- Vol.7 ISBN 978-4-04-111177-2
- Vol.8 ISBN 978-4-04-112101-6
- Vol.9 ISBN 978-4-04-112472-7
- Vol.10 ISBN 978-4-04-113434-4
External links[]