Mobile Suit Gundam UC MSV Kusabi is a manga written and illustrated by Yuuichi Motohashi, published by Kadokawa Shoten and released in Gundam Ace from September 2012 till February 2013.
Rugged soldiers mourning on Earth and in outer space. The UC world’s MSV story begins! The development of Federation Forces mobile suits hidden in the shadows of war…
- Episode 1: Silver Bullet
- Episode 2: Covert Mission: EWAC Jegan (Part: 1)
- Episode 3: Covert Mission: EWAC Jegan (Part: 2)
- Episode 4: Virtual Enemy: Delta Gundam
- Episode 5: Three Arrows: ReZEL Defensor Unit
- Episode 6: Dangerous Ore: Sinanju Stein
Earth Federation Forces[]
- Riddhe Marcenas
- Jonah Gibney
- Frank Mack
Anaheim Electronics[]
- Full Frontal
- Angelo Sauper
- Worklach Banham
- Gothi Hayami (Across the Sky)
- Liteunant Minocco
Earth Federation[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- ARX-014P Silver Bullet (Funnel Test Type)
- MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
- MSN-001 Delta Gundam
- RGM-89DEW EWAC Jegan
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- AMX-006 Gaza-D
- AMX-009 Dreissen
- AMX-014 Döven Wolf
- AMS-119 Geara Doga
- AMS-129 Geara Zulu
- MS-21C Dra-C
- MSN-06S Sinanju Stein
- RMS-119 EWAC Zack
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Vol.1 ISBN 978-4-04-120643-0
External links[]