Mobile Suit Gundam UC The Postwar: The War After the War is a novel written by Harutoshi Fukui based on the Mobile Suit Gundam UC game for the PlayStation 3. It was published by Kadokawa Shoten.
Universal Century 0094. It was a deal that was supposed to take place in complete secrecy. However, it goes completely awry with the appearance of a lone man on the battlefield and a Federation officer who ran away with classified information. It would later be told as the Sinanju hijacking incident: the tale that tells the before and after that was consigned to darkness.
- Before Game
- After Game
Earth Federation Forces[]
- Daguza Mackle
- Dakota Winston
- Rossio Mecchi
- Carlos Craig
Anaheim Electronics[]
Earth Federation Forces[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- ARX-014P Silver Bullet (Funnel Test Type)
- MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai
- RGM-89S Prototype Stark Jegan
- RGM-89D Jegan Type D (Initial Deployment Type)
- RGM-89DEW EWAC Jegan
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
External Links[]