Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. 0096: Last Sun is a sequel manga to Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. 0094: Across The Sky (2012) illustrated by Katsumoku, and was officially launched in Gundam Ace magazine in December 2014 in its February 2015 issue and ended in August, 2017. Although sometimes promoted as a side-story of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, the story is independent of it, though several MS from that series make an appearance.
In U.C. 0096, a ceremony to commemorate the end of the One Year War is held in Side 7. The Aonbharr, built to resemble the famous White Base is present at the ceremony, having transported junior high school students from Earth for the ceremony. Sun Place, one of the students who quickly becomes bored with the ceremony, enters a restricted access area, and encounters the three MS built for the ceremony, the G-First, Cannongan, and GF-Tank.
At the same time, Zeon remnants on the Musai-class Mailmer attack, hoping to secure the Aonbharr as a trophy and join the Neo Zeon remnants known as "The Sleeves".
These events are disrupted by the appearance of the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex and several Psycommu#n_i_t_r_o_System mobile suits.
The story ends in an epilogue, in the year U.C. 0105, where the 25th anniversary of the end of the One Year War is held on Earth.
Volume 1[]
- Chapter 1「From the sky in the Sun」
- Chapter 2「Boy aiming for the [Sleeves]」
- Chapter 3「Bronze Grudge」
- Chapter 4「Gundam departs into space」
Volume 2[]
- Chapter 5「Cannongan's Fierce Fight」
- Chapter 6「Formation of the Brind'Amour」
- Chapter 7「Piercing Gold」
- Chapter 8「Wild Rampage」
- Chapter 9「I Heard A Voice」
Volume 3[]
- Chapter 10「Docking」
- Chapter 11「G-First-DX, And」
- Chapter 12「Those Who Swallow Death」
- Chapter 13「The Wind's Blowing」
- Chapter 14「Battle of Scattering Flowers」
Volume 4[]
- Chapter 15「Light of Rage」
- Chapter 16「After the Flower Blooms」: Hraesvelger's attack damages the Aonbharr's engines, and slices La Vie en Rose in half. Hraesvelger's captain Zenide orders Aonbharr captain Colton to transfer the ship to the command of Colonel Rock Hawker. The Three Arrows decide to accompany the Aonbharr in order to protect its children.
- Chapter 17「Aonbarr's Decision」: The sole remaining mercenary escapes the battlefield on a subflight system. Colton's private reservations about Hawker's past cause him to reject the order, saying that the ship's top-priority mission is to return its civilians to Earth. Zenide says this isn't acceptable, and the NITRO system of her MSZ-009BX Prototype ZZ Gundam (NITRO) activates. Colton asks if this flame is being stoked by Colonel Rock Hawker. Zenide asks him what he knows; the Arrow Team interrupts by shooting at the powerplants of disabled mobile suits around the La Vie en Rose. The ensuing explosion gives the Aonbharr space to leave while the ZZ recharges. In order to resupply, Colton orders the Aonbharr to make for Shangri-La colony in Side 1, where the Argama went for repairs during a similar situation.
- Chapter 18「Beginning of a Connection」: The Brind'Amour team attack a Federation Clop-class cruiser, and retrieve the mercenary from it. The mercenary is revealed as Jackie "JK" Geno (aged 24). She was part of a company that had been hired away from the MS fighting ring on Shangri-La. They had been tasked to set up a fight between the G-First and Hraesvelger, but Hraesvelger turned on the mercenaries and tried to "silence" them. This information shocks Luger Lugh.
- Chapter 19「Looking at the Same Sky」: The Aonbharr docks at Shangri-La. Colton convinces the Three Arrows team's Frank Mack to assist with maintenance. Joleon, Zoe and the Three Arrows return from a shopping trip, and the Three Arrows are introduced to the reader. The Mailmer crew enter Shangri-La on a covert resupply mission. It is Guns Run's first time on board a space colony.
- Chapter 19.5 「In the Eternal Universe」: The Raven Unit destroy a MA-05 Bigro.
Volume 5[]
- Chapter 20「Battle-Rave」: Elle Vianno and Beecha Oleg attend the "Battle Rave", an illegal mobile suit fighting tournament operating on Shangri-La. Battle Rave happens in a tournament facility built as part of a patch on the colony's hull, and continues with the mayor's tacit approval as an economic revitalization initiative. The developer pays the mayor bribes, and the mayor invests the bribes back into the colony. The mayor allows the schoolchildren to use an abandoned school building as temporary housing. The children are introduced to the idea of Battle Rave by mechanics' gossip.
- Chapter 21「Reunion」: Beecha loses money betting on Battle Rave. Elle wants to return to fighting. The children are moved into the school. The Aonbharr team experience trouble finding replacement parts due to rarity and cost. The Mailmer crew are in a similar situation. At a scrapyard, Guns Run falls in love with an AMX-011 Zaku III, and the scrap dealer convinces the Mailmer crew to buy it and enter it in the Battle Rave. At night, the schoolchildren Bloom, Luni and Sunny sneak out of the school, and are discovered by Beecha and Elle. The five steal a tomato delivery truck and sneak aboard the Aonbharr.
- Chapter 22「Double-barreled」: The five stole the Cannongan and G-First, and entered them in the Battle Rave. Elle, under the name "Chara Soon", pilots the Cannongan in a fight with a Guncannon, and wins with the assistance of Sunny and Luni. Joleon, Zoe, and Colton depart the Aonbharr with the GF-Tank. The Three Arrows are unable to assist in the Battle Rave because their Re-Zels have been powered off, and because their weapons were stolen for use by the G-First. Colonel Rock Hawker receives a photograph showing that the Aonbharr is at Shangri-La. His team have advanced their control of the Phenex by fusing the NITRO system with the NT-D system. Zenide Gal is dispatched to Shangri-La.
- Chapter 23「Retrieve G-First」: JK joins the Brind'Amour team. Zenide's team jokes about destroying the Aonbharr; she says if they do that she'll kill them. The GF-Tank arrives too late to enter in the Battle Rave, but they see the G-First in the lineup, and dock the GF-Tank to take control of it. Sun and Beecha are surprised; Elle tries to remove the GF-Tank. The Cannongan and combined RIX-001[GA] Gundam G-First-DX are thrown into the ocean arena, where a battle royale match occurs. The new Hraesvelgr corps is confronted by the Brind'Amour team. Zenide Gal's MSZ-009BX Prototype ZZ Gundam (NITRO) activates its NITRO system, provoking a response from Luger Lugh's AMX-107R Rebawoo.
- Chapter 24「Luger Lugh」The Battle Rave battle royale continues. Guns detects the presence of Sun in the G-First. Back in the Sleeves' territory, royal guard 2nd Lt. Bato Panserinos asks Garencieres captain Zinnerman about Luger Lugh. Zinnerman tells him that Lugh looks better now than she has in the past, and asks him to help keep her that way. But to do this, Bato needs to know that Luger Lugh is a clone. Zenide Gal and Luger Lugh are clones of the same person, products of the same Axis cloning program. Gal was a "Failure", enhanced like a Cyber Newtype but with a normal person's response levels. Rock Hawker saw her as the perfect specimen for testing the NITRO system. Gal says that NITRO gave her "a reason to live". Their fight triggers a psycho resonance which affects the Battle Rave. Lugh ejects from her ReBawoo and enters Gal's ZZ, where she confirms that they're similar. Lugh once saw the brotherly bond between Ing and Briar Ryuude, and wishes she could have something similar. Gal screams; the fires of NITRO die out. Rock Hawker is maddened by their meeting. He activates a MRX-007X Xanadu. A closing shot shows a hangar with several MRX-011 Mass Production Type Psycho Gundam, shared with the Phenex.
Volume 6[]
- Chapter 25「Xanadu」: The MRX-007X Xanadu appears at the confrontation between Lugh and Gal, and passes them. At the Battle Rave, Joleon and Guns feel a pressure urging them to end the fight quickly. The Xanadu's pilot is revealed as a blonde Zenide Gal clone. Lugh reminds Gal that her goal is to protect the civilians abord the Aonbharr. Lugh's concern for the residents of Shangri-La, and the new Gal clone's intent to shoot the arena, are heard by Guns. He tackles the G-First out of the way of a beam shot by Zenide Gal to warn the colony of the danger. Guns exits the colony through the hole to fight the Gal clone, who activates her NITRO system.
- Chapter 26「Nightmare」: Joleon swaps cockpits, to pilot the G-First directly, and he follows Guns out of the colony. Guns goes to attack the Xanadu from the rear, but has a premonition of danger and backs off. The Xanadu strikes quickly with its explosive bolts and knocks Guns' Zaku III out of the fight, before kicking the Cannongan. Zenide Gal tries to protect the Cannongan, but is attacked by the Xanadu's wired bits. The Xanadu then uses its Psycommu Hand wired bits to pull the Joleon's cockpit out of the G-First's abdomen. The Mailmer team arrive, and the Aonbharr, but too late to prevent the clone Gal from stealing the cockpit from the Cannongan, and flying off with both Joleon and Elle. In the crew compartment of the GF-Tank, Haro speaks to Sun Place.
- Chapter 27「Time of Reunion」: The voice speaking through the Haro calls itself "Chiro", the name of the dog of the Raven Corps.[1] The Aonbharr has returned to Earth's orbit, without many of its crew and mobile suits. Zenide Gal and Beecha Oleg have joined the Brind'Amour team. In a flashback, Beecha reveals that the Gal clone was trying to capture Sun. Sun joined this mission as bait and as a strategist. Federation Colonel Don Colton is shown on the bridge of the Mailmer. Guns Run pilots the G-First, with Zoe Jansson in the GF-Tank, deployed from the Musai. These pilots and suits are on a rescue mission targeting a Federation facility on the far side of the Moon. A fleet of MRX-011 Mass Production Type Psycho Gundams counter this rescue group, led by a brainwashed Joleon in the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex.
- Chapter 28「Phase 1」: The Phenex's Nitro and NT-D systems activate, and Rock Hawker activates the NITRO-equipped MRX-011 Mass Production Type Psycho Gundams of his Zenide Gal clones. He predicts that they will annihilate the opposing force. Battle begins.
- Chapter 29「Beyond the Time」: With the NITRO force reduced to 80%, Rock Hawker progresses to Phase 2 of his planned battle, and the MRX-007X Xanadu deploys. He muses that NITRO is a means for Oldtypes to defend themselves against a genocidal Newtype population. Chiro tells Sun that NITRO is a means of control, reducing people to weapons, and Newtypes aren't a means for battle. The Xanadu attacks the Mailmer. Guns receives a vision from "Chiro", who reveals himself as Ing Ryude. Braier Ryude arrives in the MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai, wielding a Beam Magnum, followed by the Raven Team. Piko Altidore declares that this will be the end of Rock Hawker. Guns activates the Psycho-Frame stored in the GF-Tank.
- Final Chapter「The Sun Will Rise Again」: In the year U.C. 105, on Earth, Sun Place sees meets his friends on a bus. He has a flashback, and his commentary during the flashback reaches across time to Guns' ears. They saw that an addition to the Phenex was causing its aggressive behavior, and its Nitro Unit is destroyed by teamwork. Guns rips the NITRO unit off the back of the Xanadu and kills Rock Hawker. The Phenex flies off. In UC 105, Guns joins Sun on the bus. They arrive at the 25th Anniversary celebration of the end of the One Year War, where the crew of the Aonbharr are present. The Raven team are shown in space, with a litter of puppies. The Mailmer crew vacation on a beach somewhere.
Bani Road Junior School[]
- Sun Place, aged 10
- Luni Helio, 10
- Bloom Lilac, 10
- Riga Flat, 22, teacher
Earth Federation Forces[]
Sleeves/Zeon Remnants[]
- Luger Lugh
- Bilancia Bea
- Zamu Samu
- Bato Panserinos
- Worklach Banham
- Skinny Tombel
- Rivet Acker
- Guns Run
- Emiko Gerrard
- Darmac Barlow
Earth Federation Forces[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Hræsvelgr Unit/Raven Unit[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- RGC-90 Jegan Heavy Armor Type
- RGM-89D Jegan D Type
- RGM-89S Stark Jegan
- MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
- MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai
- FA-00100S Full Armor Hyaku Shiki Kai
- FA-007GIII Full Armor Gundam Mk-III
Shinsei Hræsvelgr Unit[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- MSZ-009BX Prototype ZZ Gundam (NITRO)
- RGM-89 Jegan (Hræsvelgr Unit Use)
Nitro Unit[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Sleeves/Zeon Remnants[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- MS-05B Zaku I
- MS-06F Zaku II
- MS-06W Worker Zaku
- ATMS-09R Zuom
- AMX-009 Dreissen
- AMX-011 Zaku III
- AMX-014 Döven Wolf
- AMX-101 Galluss-J
- AMX-101E Schuzrum-Galluss
- AMX-101K Galluss-K
- AMX-107 Bawoo
- AMX-107R Rebawoo
- AMS-129 Geara Zulu
- RMS-119 EWAC Zack
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Musai-class Mailmer
- Garencieres Blanc d’Amour
- MS-14A Gelgoog
- MS-14BR Gelgoog High Mobility R Type
- MS-14C Gelgoog Cannon
- MS-14J ReGelgu
- MS-14Jg Gelgoog Jäger
- MS-14F Gelgoog Marine
Reference Gallery[]
- Vol.1 ISBN 978-4-04-103138-4-C0979
- Vol.2 ISBN 978-4-04-103777-5-C0979
- Vol.3 ISBN 978-4-04-103931-1-C0979
- Vol.4 ISBN 978-4-04-104546-6-C0979
- Vol.5 ISBN 978-4-04-105236-5-C0979
- Vol.6 ISBN 978-4-04-105781-0-C0979
External links[]
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. 0096 Last Sun, volume 6, chapter 27, page 81. Spitelations translations, in a translator's note.