Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. 0094: Across The Sky is a manga illustrated by Katsumoku, and officially launched in the December issue of magazine series Gundam Ace. It is succeeded by the manga Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. 0096: Last Sun.
In U.C.0094, a live exercise for the MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai is being carried out in outer space. This mobile suit is equipped the "n_i_t_r_o System" that grants regular pilots the abilities of a Newtype. While the Gundam Delta Kai displays overwhelming power, a side-effect causes the test pilot's personality to become more aggressive.
Back on Earth, the Earth Federation Forces aggressor squadron "Raven Corps" arrives at the Federation Forces Mariana base. Brothers Braier and Ing Ryude, who are pilots stationed at Mariana base, participate in a mobile suit mock-combat exercise with the Raven corps. During the exercise, the brothers are attacked by the Raven corps using live ammunition. Piko Altidore, captain of the Raven corps, reveals the object of the attack is the Gundam Delta Kai stored in "Area X" of the Mariana base. During the battle, Ing boards the Gundam Delta Kai to defend the base against the Raven corps' assault. However, the n_i_t_r_o System brings about a berserk state in Ing, causing him to attack both allies and enemies. Piko manages to subdue the Gundam Delta Kai with a pulse grenade and opens a communication line with Ing. After this exchange, Ing seemingly joins the Raven Corps and departs the Mariana base in the Gundam Delta Kai.
Volume 1[]
- Chapter 00:(First part): The Quickening, Delta Kai (Before)
- Chapter 00:(Part Two): The Quickening, Delta Kai (After)
- Chapter 01: The Curtain has Opened
- Chapter 02: The Raver Suddenly Turns
- Chapter 02α: In Pagan
Volume 2[]
- Chapter 03: Flying
- Chapter 04: Blue Flame Start
- Chapter 05: Like a Beast (Before)
- Chapter 06: Like a Beast (after)
- Chapter 07: From Hræsvelgr
- Chapter 08α: The Sound of Sleeves Rubbing
Volume 3[]
- Chapter 08: The Sound of Sleeves Rubbing
- Chapter 09: Devil’s Nest
- Chapter 10: Bath and Luger
- Chapter 11: The Colours Are Different
- Chapter 12:
Volume 4[]
- Chapter 13:
- Chapter 14:
- Chapter 15:
- Chapter 16:
Earth Federation Forces[]
Mariana Base/Fresberg Corps[]
- Minoru Popp (ミノル)
- Locke Hawker (ロック・ホーカー)
- Sophie Lom (ソフィ・ロム)
- Braier Ryude (ブレイア・リュード)
- Ing Ryude
- Martin Murtaugh
- Ewan Irondart
- Pesco Lingua
- Rex Fabio
- Chiro
Raven Corps[]
Zeon Remnants[]
Earth Federation Forces/Fresberg Corps/Mariana Base[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
- MSA-003 Nemo
- RMS-179 GM II
- MSZ-007 Mass Production Type Ζ Gundam
- MSZ-013 Mass Production Type ZZ Gundam
- MSR-00100S Hyaku Shiki Kai Mass Production Type
- RGM-86R Nouvel GM III
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Raven Corps[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Titans Remnants "Devil's Nest"[]
- RMS-106 Hizack
- RMS-108 Marasai
- RMS-154 Barzam
- RMS-154 Refined Barzam
- RX-110 Gabthley
- RX-139 Hambrabi
- RX-160 Byarlant
- NRX-044 Asshimar
- MRX-009 Psycho Gundam
- MRX-010 Psycho Gundam Mk-II
Zeon Remnants[]
- RGM-89 Jegan (Rick Dias Head)
- AMS-119 Geara Doga
- RGC-80 GM Cannon
- MS-09K-2 Dom Cannon
- MS-06V Zaku Tank
- Vol.1 ISBN 978-4-04-120840-3
- Vol.2 ISBN 978-4-04-121015-4-C0979
- Vol.3 ISBN 978-4-04-121118-2-C0979
- Vol.4 ISBN 978-4-04-102227-6-C0979
See also[]
External links[]