Mobile Suit Gundam REON (機動戦士ガンダムReon Kidou Senshi Gundam Reon?) is a sequel to the Outer Gundam manga series and was released in 1996. It is set in the Universal Century and was written and illustrated by Masafumi Matsuura. The plot takes place in an alternate continuity of the year U.C. 0107.
Following another war with Zeon in the year U.C. 0107, a "gold rush" occurs on the Martian colonies, where rare metal production is booming. However, this vibrant economy generates wealth that becomes a source of funds for anti-Earth Federation groups. Corruption and other serious issues also plague the Federation.
Ruby Huggett is a young cargo ship captain belonging to a private Far Transport Service company. He had already been bereaved from his parents, and became a navigator for the ship Lupine, which his father had left behind.
During the transportation of the new heavy-duty MS at the request of the Earth Federation Forces, a battle occurs with the mysterious organization "FAMAS," which attempts to capture it, and Ruby unknowingly becomes involved in a conflict within the Federation Forces.
- Ruby Huggett
- Richard Chamberlain
- Aleph Butler
- Cliff MacLeod
- Ad Gernsback
- Dan Kruger
- Kiel Weller
- Reon
Earth Federation Forces[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- REON Ver.5.7 Gundam Zephyr Phantom Mk-II "Reon"
A Gundam-type MS with an OS capable of unmanned operation, following in the footsteps of the Zephyr Gundam; due to the history of past runaway accidents involving the Phantom System, a pilot was required for fire control, and Ruby served as the pilot. The Zephyr Gundam was also equipped with important classified data, which led to it being targeted by the anti-Earth Federation organization FAMAS. Its basic performance is state-of-the-art at the time, but it is armed only with a beam gun and a beam saber (with a longer reach than conventional MS). In the latter half of the story, it is additionally equipped with a Hi-Mega cannon on its head, a beam gun integrated with a beam saber, and an anti-funnel system. - Magmax
An MS belonging to FAMAS, it is equipped with a space mine-type plasma leader in addition to standard armaments such as beam sabers and beam rifles, and excels in "killing power" that injures and kills the pilot rather than destroying the enemy MS. It outperforms the Reon in armor strength. It is ultimately badly damaged when hit by the Reon's Hi-Mega Cannon. - Nu Gundam (replica machine)
The most powerful MS in the Federation Forces as of UC 107, which was stolen by FAMAS. It is equipped with 12 fin funnels and its color scheme differs from that of Amuro's machine. Its face mask is also original. At first, it overwhelmed the Reon, but later on, as Reon was now equipped with an anti-funnel system that disabled its fin funnels, this replica was destroyed in battle. - Quinn Mansa
A large Neo Zeon Newtype-only mobile suit preserved in Luna II, on which Dan Krueger boarded. This model has a Federation Forces insignia on the base of its antenna. It is believed to be an original machine recovered and restored by the Federation Forces after the end of the First Neo Zeon War.
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Archimedes Mirror
External links[]