The Mobile Suit Gundam Model Series (also known as First Gundam) is a line of Gunpla kits of the Mobile Weapons from the TV series Mobile Suit Gundam. Released in 1980 following the end of the series' initial broadcast run in Japan, the line introduced fans to the hobby of Gunpla. Compared to modern Gunpla kits, these require glue and paint to complete, and articulation and detail are very limited. Most of the kits include a small tube of glue for quick assembly.[1]
Modelers refer to these kits as "Old kits" (旧キット Kyū kitto?) when comparing them to more recent Gunpla releases. Reissues of these kits can be distinguished from their original releases by their glossy box print (as opposed to the original's matte finish) and inclusion of plastic content information on the box's side flap. The reissues also omit the "ST" mark, as model kits are generally exempted from the requirements of the Japan Toy Association's Safety Toy (ST) Standard. In addition, reissues from 2019 onwards will bear the blue Bandai Spirits logo and the Bandai Spirits label on the top and bottom flaps.
Mobile Suit Gundam[]
For the first line of Gunpla kits, nearly early every mobile suit, vehicle, and ship in the anime series and movie compilations has been produced in model kit form. In recent years, many of these kits were reissued under the Best Mecha Collection (BMC) (ベストメカコレクション Besuto Meka Korekushon?) banner, which also included kits from Super Robot and tokusatsu series. For safety reasons, all reissues of the RX-78 Gundam have the V-fin antenna redesigned with "flags" on the tips, much like their High Grade counterparts.
The kit numbers listed below are for the Best Mecha Collection line.
Mobile weapons[]
BMC # | Scale | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
4 | 1/144 | RX-78 Gundam | ¥300 | 1980 July | First Gundam model ever released. |
N/A | 1/100 | RX-78 Gundam | ¥700 | 1980 July | First Gundam kit to have a functional Core Block System. Also includes a dummy frame to display the upper and lower torso separately with the Core Fighter, and a spring-loaded rocket launcher. |
5 | 1/1200 | Musai | ¥300 | 1980 August | First ship kit ever released. Includes display stand. |
6 | 1/144 | MS-06S Char's Zaku II | ¥300 | 1980 September | |
9 | 1/144 | MS-07 Gouf | ¥300 | 1980 November | |
N/A | 1/100 | MS-09 Dom | ¥800 | 1980 November | |
10 | 1/144 | MSM-07 Z'Gok | ¥300 | 1980 December | |
N/A | 1/1200 | White Base | ¥1,000 | 1980 December | Includes display stand and 1/1200 scale RX-78 Gundam, RX-77 Guncannon, RX-75 Guntank, and Gunperry. |
BMC # | Scale | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
11 | 1/144 | MS-06 Zaku II | ¥300 | 1981 January | Color variant of BMC-06. |
13 | 1/1200 | Char's Musai | ¥300 | 1981 February | Includes display stand |
N/A | 1/144 | MSN-02 Zeong | ¥600 | 1981 March | Includes display stand. |
N/A | 1/100 | MS-14S Char's Gelgoog | ¥800 | 1981 March | |
N/A | 1/100 | RX-77 Guncannon | ¥700 | 1981 March | |
15 | 1/2400 | White Base | ¥300 | 1981 April | Includes display stand. |
16 | 1/144 | Weapons for Mobile Suit | ¥300 | 1981 April | Set of Gundam, Zaku II, and Gouf weapons. Includes two Gundam Hammers, a Hyper Bazooka, a Zaku Bazooka, two Zaku Missile Pods, two Cracker grenades, a Beam Javelin, a Heat Hawk, and a Heat Saber. |
17 | 1/144 | RGM-79 GM | ¥300 | 1981 April | |
18 | 1/144 | RX-77 Guncannon | ¥300 | 1981 May | |
19 | 1/144 | MSM-03 Gogg | ¥300 | 1981 May | |
N/A | 1/144 | RX-75 Guntank | ¥600 | 1981 May | |
N/A | 1/144 | MS-09R Rick Dom | ¥500 | 1981 June | |
N/A | 1/144 | MS-14S Char's Gelgoog | ¥500 | 1981 June | |
N/A | 1/100 | MS-14 Gelgoog | ¥800 | 1981 June | |
20 | 1/144 | MS-15 Gyan | ¥300 | 1981 July | |
21 | 1/144 | MSM-07S Char's Z'Gok | ¥300 | 1981 July | |
22 | 1/144 | MSM-04 Acguy | ¥300 | 1981 July | |
N/A | 1/100 | MS-06S Char's Zaku II | ¥700 | 1981 July | |
N/A | 1/144 | MSM-10 Zock | ¥600 | 1981 August | |
26 | 1/144 & 1/250 | RB-79 Ball | ¥300 | 1981 September | |
27 | 1/550 | MA-08 Big Zam | ¥400 | 1981 September | Includes display stand. |
28 | 1/550 | MA-05 Bigro | ¥300 | 1981 September | Includes display stand. |
N/A | 1/144 | G-Armor | ¥1,000 | 1981 September | |
29 | 1/550 | MAM-07 Grublo | ¥300 | 1981 October | Includes display stand. |
30 | 1/550 | MAN-08 Lalah Sune's Mobile Armor Elmeth | ¥300 | 1981 October | Includes 10 Bit units and 1/550 scale MS-14 Char's Gelgoog figurine. |
32 | 1/144 | MS-05 Zaku I | ¥300 | 1981 October | |
N/A | 1/144 | Dodai YS | ¥500 | 1981 October | |
N/A | 1/100 | MS-07 Gouf | ¥800 | 1981 December | |
N/A | 1/100 | MSM-07S Char's Z'Gok | ¥800 | 1981 December |
BMC # | Scale | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
N/A | 1/100 | MS-15 Gyan | ¥700 | 1982 January | |
N/A | 1/100 | MSM-03 Gogg | ¥800 | 1982 March | |
35 | 1/1200 | Gaw Attack Carrier | ¥300 | 1982 April | Includes 1/1200 figurines of two Zaku IIs, two Z'Goks, and two Dopps. |
36 | 1/144 | Magella Attack Tank | ¥400 | 1982 May | |
N/A | 1/144 | MS-14 Gelgoog | ¥500 | 1982 May | |
37 | 1/550 | MAX-03 Adzam | ¥400 | 1982 June | Includes a Leader unit and 1/550 figurines of the RX-78 Gundam and a Magella Attack. |
N/A | 1/100 | MSM-07 Z'Gok | ¥800 | 1982 June | |
N/A | 1/250
1/550 |
MA-04X Zakrello | ¥500 | 1982 June | Consists of two kits of different scales. Includes display stand and 1/250 scale RX-78-2 Gundam + B-Parts. |
N/A | 1/550 | MAN-03 Braw Bro | ¥700 | 1982 June | Includes display stand and 1/550 scale RX-78 Gundam. |
42 | 1/144 | MSM-04 Agguguy | ¥400 | 1982 July | |
N/A | 1/100 | MS-05 Zaku I | ¥700 | 1982 July | |
43 | 1/144 | FF-X7-Bst Core Booster | ¥300 | 1982 August | Includes two Core Fighters; one with its wings folded as half of the Core Booster unit. Released to coincide with the theatrical release of Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space. |
N/A | 1/144 | MSM-04G Juaggu | ¥500 | 1982 August | |
N/A | 1/100 | RGM-79 GM | ¥700 | 1982 August | |
47 | 1/144 | EMS-05 Agg | ¥300 | 1982 September | |
N/A | 1/100 | MS-06 Zaku II | ¥700 | 1982 September | |
N/A | 1/100 | MSM-04 Acguy | ¥700 | 1982 September | |
N/A | 1/100 | MSM-04N Agguguy | ¥800 | 1982 September | |
N/A | 1/100 | EMS-05 Agg | ¥700 | 1982 October | |
48 | 1/144 | MSM-08 Zogok | ¥400 | 1982 November | |
N/A | 1/100 | MSM-08 Zogok | ¥800 | 1982 November |
BMC # | Scale | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
53 | 1/2400 | Gwazine | ¥300 | 1983 March | |
54 | 1/2400 | Zanzibar | ¥300 | 1983 March | |
55 | 1/550 | Medea | ¥400 | 1983 January | Includes three 1/550 scale MS-09 Dom units. |
56 | 1/1200 | Salamis | ¥400 | 1983 January | |
N/A | 1/1200 | Magellan | ¥500 | 1983 March | |
N/A | 1/250 | G-Armor | ¥600 | 1984 August | Marketed as a "Super Injection Model", which featured one parts runner molded in four colors. Includes RX-78 Gundam with transformable Core Fighter. |
Diorama sets[]
Diorama sets replicate famous battles from select episodes of the series. All of the boxes feature two different variants for the artwork.
# | Scale | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
A | 1/250 | Ramba Ral's Suicide Attack | ¥700 | 1981 July | Includes MS-07 Gouf, MS-06 Zaku II, and RX-75 Guntank. |
B | 1/250 | A Downfall in Jaburo | ¥700 | 1981 July | Includes MSM-07S Char's Z'Gok, MS-06 Zaku II, and RGM-79 GM. |
C | 1/250 | The Duel in Texas | ¥700 | 1981 August | Includes RX-78 Gundam, MS-14S Char's Gelgoog, and RX-77 Guncannon. |
D | 1/250 | Space Fortress: A Baoa Qu | ¥700 | 1981 August | Includes RX-78 Gundam, MSN-02 Zeong, and MS-09R Rick Dom. |
Mechanic Model[]
These Gunpla kits are designed with removable armor parts to display the internal mechanism, plus light-up LED camera eyes and weapons (LED bulbs sold separately). Each kit comes with a display base and a blueprint background.
# | Scale | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
1 | 1/72 | RX-78 Gundam | ¥2,500 | 1981 November | Includes beam javelin. Features LED mounting points on eyes, waist, and right leg. |
2 | 1/72 | MS-06S Char's Zaku II | ¥2,500 | 1981 November |
Please note that character names printed on the box covers may have changed over the years, as the English names had not been standardized at the time of the kits' release.
# | Scale | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
1 | 1/20 | Amuro Ray | ¥200 | 1981 June | |
2 | 1/20 | Char Aznable | ¥200 | 1981 June | |
3 | 1/20 | Matilda Ajane | ¥200 | 1981 June | |
4 | 1/20 | Sayla Mass | ¥200 | 1981 June | |
5 | 1/20 | Kai Shiden | ¥200 | 1981 August | |
6 | 1/20 | Frau Baw | ¥200 | 1981 August | |
7 | 1/20 | Garma Zabi | ¥200 | 1981 October | |
8 | 1/20 | Icelina Eschönbach | ¥200 | 1981 October | |
9 | 1/20 | Bright Noah | ¥200 | 1981 October | |
10 | 1/20 | Lalah Sone | ¥200 | 1981 October | |
N/A | 1/20 | Gundam Chara Colle Box | ¥2,000 | 1995 | Clear remold of all 10 character figures in one set. |
Real Type[]
From 1982 to 1983, Bandai reissued select 1/100 Gunpla kits in alternate color schemes. This line was the precursor to Mobile Suit Variations (MSV).
# | Scale | Model | Release Date | Yen Price | Notes |
1 | 1/100 | MS-09B Dom | 1982 February | ¥800 | |
2 | 1/100 | MS-06 Zaku | 1982 February | ¥700 | Labeled as "Zaku" instead of "Zaku II". |
3 | 1/100 | RX-78 Gundam | 1982 March | ¥700 | |
4 | 1/100 | MS-11 Gelgoog | 1982 April | ¥800 | Incorrectly labeled as "MS-11" instead of "MS-14". |
5 | 1/100 | RX-77 Guncannon | 1982 April | ¥700 | |
6 | 1/100 | MS-05 Old Type Zaku | 1983 April | ¥700 | Labeled as "Old Type Zaku" instead of "Zaku I". |
7 | 1/100 | RGM-79 Gimm | 1983 April | ¥700 | Labeled as "Gimm" instead of "GM". |
Iropla Series[]
In July 1983, Bandai released four 1/250 scale Gunpla kits using the System Injection - also known as "Iropla" (イロプラ, "color plastic") - process to minimize the need to use paint during and after assembly.
# | Scale | Model | Release Date | Yen Price | Notes |
1 | 1/250 | RX-78 Gundam | 1983 July | ¥200 | |
2 | 1/250 | MS-06S Char's Zaku II | 1983 July | ¥200 | |
3 | 1/250 | MS-06 Zaku II | 1983 July | ¥200 | |
4 | 1/250 | MS-07B Gouf | 1983 July | ¥200 |
Full Color Model[]
In 1988, Bandai remolded seven kits from the original 1980 series using the System Injection process to minimize the need to use paint during and after assembly. These kits were reissued in 1989 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam.
# | Scale | Model | Release Date | Yen Price | Reissue Cover |
1 | 1/144 | MS-09R Rick Dom | 1988 July | ¥800 | |
2 | 1/144 | RX-77 Guncannon | 1988 September | ¥500 | |
3 | 1/144 | MSM-07S Char's Zugock | 1988 September | ¥500 | |
4 | 1/144 | RX-78 Gundam | 1988 September | ¥500 | |
5 | 1/144 | MSM-07 Zugock | 1988 October | ¥500 | |
6 | 1/144 | MS-07B Gouf | 1988 October | ¥500 | |
7 | 1/144 | RGM-79 GM | 1988 October | ¥500 |
45th Anniversary[]
To celebrate the 45th anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam, Bandai Spirits released a modern version of the original 1/144 RX-78 Gundam.
BMC # | Scale | Model | Yen Price | Release Date | Notes |
N/A | 1/144 | RX-78-2 Gundam [Revival Ver.] | ¥1,200 | 2024 October | New version of BMC-04 with thin gates that allow removal of parts without the use of nippers, snap-fit assembly, and color separation while retaining the original kit's design. Includes additional beam saber handle that is compatible with most High Grade 1/144 beam effect parts. |
Yen price excluding 5% tax (8% from 2014 to 2019; 10% from 2019 October onwards).
See also[]
- Mobile Suit Gundam 30th Anniversary Gunpla Premium Box
- Mobile Suit Variations Model Series
- First Grade
- Entry Grade
- High Grade (1990)
- High Grade Universal Century
- Real Grade
- Master Grade
- Reborn-One Hundred
- Perfect Grade
- Mega Size Model