Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (機動戦士ガンダム F91 Kidō Senshi Gandamu F91) is a manga written and illustrated by Daisuke Inoue, published by Kodansha and serialized by Comic BomBom in 1991.
The story of Gundam F91 revolves around teenage space colonist Seabook Arno, his girlfriend Cecily Fairchild, and the efforts of the Crossbone Vanguard militia, led by Cecily's grandfather Meitzer Ronah, to establish an aristocracy known as "Cosmo Babylonia". In keeping with Gundam tradition, the civilian Seabook is forced by circumstance to pilot the F91 Gundam, coincidentally designed in part by his estranged mother, Dr. Monica Arno.
- State of Emergency
- The birth of a new Gundam
- F-91 vs. Black Vanguard - The Duel!
- Deadly weapon
- Mobile-Armor Rafflesia
Earth Federation Forces/Civilian Militia[]
- Seabook Arno
- Cecily Fairchild
- Monica Arno
- Reese Arno
- Leslie Arno
- Birgit Pirjo
- Dwight Camry
- Arthur Jung
- Roy Jung
- Jessica N'guro
- Chris
- Mrs. Elm
- Gruce Erras
- Ken Sohn
- Hein Kochun
- Bardo
- Governor Staust
- Minmi Editoh
- Nanto Roos
- Bertuo Rodriguez
- Sam Ehrug
- George Azuma
- Dorothy Moore
- Leahlee Edaberry
Crossbone Vanguard[]
- Carozzo "Iron Mask" Ronah
- Cecily Fairchild / Berah Ronah
- Meitzer Ronah
- Zabine Chareux
- Annamarie Bourget
- Dorel Ronah
- Gillet Krueger
- Nadia Ronah
- Theo Fairchild
Earth Federation Forces/Civilian Militia[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- F71 G-Cannon
- F91 Gundam F91
- F-50D (RXR-44) Guntank R-44
- RGM-89J Jegan Normal Type
- RGM-89M Jegan B-Type
- RGM-89R Jegan A-Type
- RGM-109 Heavygun
- XM-06 Dahgi Iris
- XM-07 Vigna Ghina
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Ark-class (Space Ark)
- Armored Buggy A
- Armored Buggy B
- Armored Car
- Clop-class
- Missile Armored Car
- Ra Cailum-class (Ra Gustar)
- Salamis Kai-class
- Spaceboat
- Wired Missile Car
Crossbone Vanguard[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- XM-01 Den'an Zon
- XM-02 Den'an Gei
- XM-03 Ebirhu-S
- XM-04 Berga Dalas
- XM-05 Berga Giros
- XM-06 Dahgi Iris
- XM-07 Vigna Ghina
- XMA-01 Rafflesia
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Armored Buggy A
- Armored Car
- Bug
- Paint Vehicle
- Zamouth Garr-class
- Zamouth Giri-class
- Zamouth Jeth-class
- Zamouth Nada-class
Jupiter Energy Fleet[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Thousandth Jupiter
External links[]