Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory is a manga based on the OVA Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory written and illustrated by Kadoya Mitsuru and published by Kodansha in the magazine Comic Bonbon.
- Despite being serialized in 1992, it was only compiled into a single volume in 2003.
- There was also a lot of changes regarding the OVA:
- Some characters such as Kelley, Adel and Bate are not shown.
- The setting that Nina and Gato were lovers in the past is removed. Instead Kou and Nina are already lovers since the beginning
- Monsha and Cima have different personalities and roles.
- Solar system II irradiation prevented the Stardust Operation and ended with a happy ending.
- 2003 978-4-06-353108-4
- 2006 978-4-06-372178-2
- 2006 978-4-06-371914-7
Animation | |
Novel | |
Manga | Mitsuru Kadoya manga | Hero of Stardust | Rebellion |
Audio Drama | Battle of Lunga Point | The Mayfly of Space |
Picture Drama | |
Video Game |