Mobile Suit Gundam: Ixtab, Goddess of the Fallen Soldiers (機動戦士ガンダム 宇宙のイシュタム, Kidou Senshi Gundam: Uchuu no Ixtab) is a manga written and illustrated by Iida Umanosuke, with 4 volumes published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized Gundam Ace magazine in 2003.
U.C. 0079, January 3: The One Year War begins and the Zeon start Operation British to overwhelm Jaburo with a colony drop. Now a heavily damaged Magellan-class battleship must land within the Iffish colony from Side 2, which is on its way to Earth. Furthermore they must fight against the Zeon troops of Elisa Heaven, which seems to be a reincarnation of an old Maya goddess...
- Scene-1
- Scene-2
- Scene-3
- Scene-4
- Scene-5
- Scene-6
- Scene-7
- Scene-8
- Scene-9
- Scene-10
- Scene-11
- Scene-12
- Scene-13
- Scene-14
- Scene-15
- Scene-16
- Scene-17
- Scene-18
- Scene-19
- Scene-20
- Scene-21
Earth Federation Forces[]
- Nada Chinomi
- Iraiza Oroma
- Keimo Susato
- Fyuze
- Tianem
- Shiro Amada
Principality of Zeon[]
- Elisa Heaven
- Topp
- Dell
- Su Toretto
- Rina Chinomi
Principality of Zeon[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- MS-05 Zaku I
- MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
- MS-06W Worker Zaku
- MS-06E Zaku Reconnaissance Type
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Earth Federation Forces[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- FF-6 TIN Cod
- FF-S3 Saberfish
- Magellan-class
- Salamis-class
- Columbus-class
- Medea
- FFB-7Bst Jet Core Booster
- ISBN 4-04-713583-6-C0979
- ISBN 4-04-713617-4-C0979
- ISBN 4-04-713649-2-C0979
- ISBN 4-04-713692-1-C0979
External links[]