Mobile Suit Gundam: Far East Japan (機動戦士ガンダム FAR EAST JAPAN) is a manga written by Akira Ohtari, It was published by Shōgakukan in the 25th May 2013 issue of Shōnen Sunday Super.
The story focus on three Zeon soldiers, assigned to a drop operation in November U.C. 0079, whose Komusai is struck and sent off course to the "Japan" area of the Far East sector. Their contacts with both Zeon and Federation forces shed new light on a hidden front of the One Year War.
Volume 1[]
- Chapter 1: The High Window
- Chapter 2: The Little Sister
- Chapter 3: Noon Street Nemesis
- Chapter 4: Killer in the Rain
Volume 2[]
- Chapter 5: Blackmailer Don’t Shoot
- Chapter 6: The Big Sleep
- Chapter 7: Playback
- Chapter 8: I'll be Waiting
- Chapter 9:The Long Goodbye
Earth Federation Forces[]
- Randall
- Velma
- Anne
- Mousse
Principality of Zeon[]
- Gordon Lennox
- Will
- Lindsay Shimizu
- Randy Menendez
- Jasper Maskelyne
List of Mechanics[]
Principality of Zeon[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Support Units[]
Earth Federation Forces[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- Vol.1 ISBN 978-4-09-124612-7
- Vol.2 ISBN 978-4091246141
External links[]