Mobile Suit Gakuen: G-Reco Koushien is a special anime short for the Gundam Reconguista in G bundled with the Blu-rays. It parodies baseball school clubs using deformed mobile suits with the voices of the pilots of Reconguista in G anime.
External Links[]
Regild Century | |
TV series | Gundam Reconguista in G | Episode Listing |
Topics | Characters | Mobile Weapons | Warships and Spacecraft | Locations | Nations and Factions | Technology | Kuntala |
Books | Gundam Reconguista in G (manga) |
Media | G-Reco Koushien | From the Past to the Future | Go! Core Fighter | Belri's Fierce Charge |
Gunpla | High Grade Reconguista in G |
Timelines | Ad Stella | Advanced Generation | After Colony | After War | Anno Domini | Build Fighters | Correct Century | Cosmic Era | Future Century | Mars Century | Post Disaster | Regild Century | SD Gundam | Universal Century |