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MSJ-OP122 Demi Garrison (デミギャリソン Demigyarison?) is a mobile suit introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Demi Garrison represents the high-end model of the Demi series produced by the Burion company, boasting the highest capabilities for use in security or military operations. Featuring combat-ready specifications as well as the kind of simple chassis characteristic to the series, it doesn't require the same high level of maintenance that combat-ready units from other companies need, affording it excellent cost performance when it comes to piloting as well as maintaining the unit. The Demi Garrison, built with the intention of a high standard of performance across the board as opposed to one specific area, is a general use unit suited to any environment and has been widely adopted for general security purposes as well as for enemy units used during military drills.


  • Head Beam Vulcans
A pair of small beam guns built into the head.
  • Quadruple Beam Vulcan
A block unit version of the Daedalus multi-tool system used by the Demi Trainers. An external battery pack is affixed to the upper arm of the unit in order to improve its ability to perform during longer skirmishes.
  • Short Rifle
A handy firearm capable of rapid fire. While it doesn't feature a terribly high firepower, it has been praised for its effectiveness in suppressive fire.
  • Middle Rifle
A mid-size single-shot firearm that can switch between standard and charge shot firing patterns. It features several parts compatible with that of the short rifle, improving the ease of maintaining the gun.
  • Beam Saber
Short-range weaponry mounted to both sides of the backpack.
  • Rocket Bazooka
A large-scale firearm designed specifically for the unit. It features a side grip and is held in both hands.
  • Missile Launcher
A mid- to long-range firearm that can load up to five missiles and can be mounted to either the left or right side of the backpack.

Special Equipment & Features[]

  • Knuckle Mode
Manipulators used for striking. Their ability to be used in this manner is thanks to the forearms of the Demi series units that feature simple, sturdy design.


Immediately following Suletta Mercury's first victory against Guel Jeturk in a duel at Asticassia School of Technology using the XVX-016 Gundam Aerial in A.S. 122, multiple Demi Garrisons were dispatched to detain Suletta and confiscate Aerial. This highly unusual intervention by the Front Management Company in an officially sanctioned school duel was ordered by President Delling Rembran of the Benerit Group on suspicion that Aerial utilized the GUND-ARM format, which was banned under the Cathedra Agreement.




External Links[]

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