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The MSA-004 Nemo II is a mobile suit mentioned in Zeta Gundam Mobile Suit Variations and first appeared in Gihren's Greed: The Menace of Axis V.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The MSA-004 Nemo II is a prototype mobile suit based off the MSA-003 Nemo. It is designed to solve the Nemo's lack of firepower and mobility, and has improved reactor output.[1] Due to a change in plans during development, the Nemo II is eventually modified into the more powerful MSA-004K Nemo III.


  • 60mm Vulcan Gun
A pair of shell-firing armament built into the head. Low offensive power, only used to restrict enemy movement, and lay down a wall of suppressive fire due to their rapid fire capability.
  • Beam Saber
The beam saber is a small device held in the mobile suit's hands when deployed and is powered by a rechargeable energy capacitor. It emits high-energy Minovsky particles to form a blade-shaped I-field (via manipulation of electromagnetic fields), and then fills this I-field shell with superheated Minovsky particle plasma to produce an effective cutting blade. The Nemo II is equipped with one beam saber, that when not in use is stored in an unknown location.
  • BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifle
A portable firearm that shoots out mega particles beams. The Nemo II uses the same beam rifle as the RMS-179 GM II, which has a power rating of 1.9 MW and is powered by a built-in energy CAP system.
  • Shield
The same shield as used by the MSA-003 Nemo, it can switch between an expanded state and a collapsed state for ease of use, and like other shields, its surface has an anti-beam coating to defend against beam attacks. Other features of the shield include sharp edges at the top for ramming/striking attacks and latches on the back for mounting other weapons or equipment.


As the Gryps War progressed, the AEUG needed more powerful mobile suits to counter the newer machines deployed by the Titans. The Nemo II, based on the MSA-003 Nemo, was developed to fulfil this need. However, it was later decided that a mobile suit with heavier firepower was needed, and the Nemo II was used as the base machine for developing the MSA-004K Nemo III.



  1. "B-CLUB" No. 6, Bandai, April 1986, pp. 66-70.

External links[]

Z-MSV Mechanics
Mobile Weapon
Gundam Mk-II's variation
FA-178 Full Armor Gundam Mk-II
Nemo's variations
MSA-004 Nemo II | MSA-004K Nemo III
Methuss's variations
MSA-005K Guncannon Detector | MSA-005S Methuss Kai
Rick Dias's variation
MSA-099-2 Rick Dias II
Hyaku Shiki's variations
MSR-00100 Hyaku Shiki Kai | MSR-00100S Hyaku Shiki Kai Mass Production Type
Z Gundam's variations
MSZ-006-X Prototype Ζ Gundam | MSZ-007 Mass Production Type Ζ Gundam | MSZ-008 ZII
Dijeh's variation
SE-DJ-1R Dijeh SE-R
MSF-007 Gundam Mk-III