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The MS-09 Dom Cold Climate Type is a variant of the MS-09 Dom introduced in the mobile suit design series MSV-R.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

A mobile suit of the Principality of Zeon's armed forces that was locally modified from the Dom to cold-climate specifications. The backpack has been modified from the one mounted on the Prototype Dom, and contains a larger propellant tank. The Dom Cold Climate Type also has a special sprayer built in that can disperse artificial snow for camouflage, making it possible to cover the upper bodies of three MS with snow in ten minutes. Other features include additional air intakes on the shoulders, abdomen, and legs to cool the thruster engines, the elimination of the scattering beam gun on the chest, and thermal covering on the giant bazooka, all of which are designed for operation in cold climates.


  • Heat Saber
The Dom Cold Climate Type's main close combat weapon, it uses thermal energy to superheat its blade to melt through the armor of an enemy machine. It has an electrical discharge function and can store high charges via the application of Minovsky particle physics. As the heat saber degrades during use, it is discarded after usage. Mounted on the backpack when not in use.
  • 360mm Giant Bazooka
A bazooka for MS that fires rocket-propelled 360mm physical rounds. Liquid fuel supplied through a pipe from the Dom Cold Climate Type's hand is injected as a primary propellant, and then the projectile's speed is increased by rocket motor ignition. It is fed by a 10 rounds magazine, and a single round can blow the torso off of an enemy mobile suit. The barrel is fitted with a thermal covering for the cold environment.


The Dom Cold Climate Type was first spotted in the northeastern part of Great Slave Lake. It was sighted by a Dragonfly pilot from the Yellowknife Base during a training flight, operating alongside two Gouf-type MS (MS-07C-3 Gouf Heavy Arms Type). The trio of mobile suits fired at the Dragonfly, but missed due to the thick foliage. The Dragonfly managed to photograph the Dom Cold Climate Type and return to base. Ten minutes later, Yellowknife Base scrambled three Fly Manta to the reported location of the mobile suits, but could not find them. Unbeknownst to the Federation pilots, the Dom Cold Climate Type had camouflaged itself and its two wing mates using its artificial snow sprayer.[1]

In the forested areas of Canada, there were several other sightings of what seemed to be the Dom Cold Climate Types, but the only information available was unclear about their appearance due to visibility being obscured by the snow and vapor raised by the mobile suits' leg hover units during operation. These machines were then tentatively called "Dom Type 0079NA-CA05" or "Dom Refurbished Type North America 05" by the Federation Forces.



  1. MSV-R Action Graphics

External links[]

MSV-R Mechanics
Earth Federation
Mobile Weapon
Full Armor Gundam's variations
FA-78-1B Full Armor Gundam (Type B) | FA-78[G] Full Armor Gundam Ground Type
Heavy Gundam's variation
FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam (Unit 2)
GM Cannon's variations
RGC-80-1 GM Cannon Test Type | RGC-80S GM Cannon Space Assault Type
GM Sniper Custom's variations
RGM-79HC GM Guard Custom | RGM-79KC GM Interceptor Custom | RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom (Shimoda Squad Type)
GM's variations
RGM-79LV GM Night Seeker II | RGM-79U GM Sloep | RGM-79V GM Night Seeker
Guntank's variation
RMV-3M Local Control Type Guntank
Guncannon's variation
RX-77-3D Guncannon Heavy Arms Type D
Gundam's variation
RX-78-2 Gundam Real Type | RX-78SP Gunner Gundam
Ball's variations
RB-79F Ball Type F | RB-79M Ball Type M

Aircraft / Spacecraft
FF-S5 Raven Sword | FF-X5 Prototype Core Fighter | FF-X7BstPLAN004 Core Booster Plan004 | G-Fighter Assault Landing Type | G-Fighter Bomber Type | G-Fighter Space Type
Transporter / Supply Ship
CB-X5(SGT) Assault Type Gunperry
Cruiser / Mother Ship
SCV-102 Nelson
Principality of Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Agg's variation
EMS-05F Azock
Zaku I's variation
MS-05Q Zaku I (Norris Custom)
Zaku II's variations
MS-06A Zaku II First Mass Production Type | MS-06FS Zaku II | MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type | MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type
Zaku II Ground Type's variations
MS-06D Zaku Desert Type | MS-06G Zaku II High Mobility Ground Type | MS-06GR Zaku II High Mobility Ground Type Kai | MS-06JK Zaku Half Cannon | MS-06K Zaku Cannon (Gatling Gun Equipment Type) | MS-06V-8 Zaku Tank (Wild Boar)
Gouf's variations
MS-07G-1 Gouf Vijayanta | MS-07G-2 Gouf Tactical Assault Type | MS-07W Gouf Combined Test Type
Dom's variations
MS-09 Dom Cold Climate Type | MS-09M Dom Mermaid | MS-09R Rick Dom Dozle Zabi Custom | YMS-09J Dom High Speed Experimental Type
Gelgoog's variations
MS-14B Gelgoog Uma Lightning Custom | MS-14BR Gelgoog High Mobility R type | MS-14C-1A Gelgoog Cannon | MS-14GD Gelgoog G
Z'Gok's variation
MSM-07N Ram Z’Gok
Gyan's variation
YMS-15E Gyan Eos
Bigro's variation
MA-05R Big Ruf
Grublo's variation
MAM-07-X3 Grublo Underwater Bit-Mounted Prototype
Zakrello's variation
MAN-00X-2 Brawrello
MSM-06 Jurick

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Dodai GA | G87 Luna Tank | Gobble
Cruiser / Mother Ship
CCM-91 Chimaira | Gagaul-class