The MS-09R Rick Dom is a mobile suit from the manga Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt and its animated adaptation. Pilots of this mobile suit included Hoover Aisla, Fisher Ness, and Io Flemming.
Technology & Combat Characteristics[]
A mobile suit operated by the Principality of Zeon's Living Dead Division in the Thunderbolt Sector. It is equipped with a specialized backpack that has a propellant tank and two foldable sub-arms at the top that can be moved back and forth along a rail.
- Giant Bazooka
- A large bazooka which is magazine fed and holds 10 rounds per magazine.
- Machine Gun
- A handheld firearm, it can be stored on the Rick Dom's side skirt armor when not used. The Rick Dom can also use the 120mm machine gun wielded by the MS-06 Zaku II.
- Heat Hawk
- Used by Fisher Ness's Rick Dom, this is the same axe-shaped melee weapon as wielded by the MS-06 Zaku II. The blade of the heat hawk is super-heated to cut through the armor of enemy MS or vehicles. It can be stored on the rear skirt armor when not used.
- Scattering Beam Cannon
- The Rick Dom featured in the OVA has a scattering beam cannon built into its left chest.
Special Equipment & Features[]
- Specialized Backpack
The Rick Doms were used by Hoover Aisla and Fisher Ness to assist Daryl Lorenz in defending an attack from a squadron of RGM-79 GMs. Although all goes well at first, Io Fleming managed to sneak up on Hoover, killing him and hijacking his Rick Dom. Io then used the Rick Dom to destroy a Big Gun and escaped back to his ship.
Intel from the stolen Rick Dom allowed the Federation forces to learn of the snipers' frequented spots, which they attacked more efficiently after being assigned the FA-78 Full Armor Gundam. As Io attacked Fisher's Rick Dom, Daryl saved him by firing on the Gundam, but the shot was deflected by a thunderbolt. Fisher escaped with minor damages to his Rick Dom.
Fisher later attacked the Federation's Volunteer Squadron after they destroyed a MS-06 Zaku II during an assault. He then destroyed at least one RB-79 Ball and three RGC-80 GM Cannon. Fisher's unit eventually sustained major damage, with the backpack and weapons being completely destroyed.
In the manga, a few Rick Doms were assigned to Zeon's main fleet. They defended the fleet when four GMs attacked the fleet from below. However they were likely destroyed in the final assault on the Zeon fleet.
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