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The Gundam Wiki


The MI-11 is a fusion reactor featured in the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin manga, its OVA adaptation and television recut.


According to Torenov Y. Minovsky, in spite of its much smaller size, it offered no less power compared to existing models; Minovsky expected an output of 6000. The Fluid Pulse system made use of Minovsky particles to convert energy thus generated into pulse pressure, and relayed it at extreme hypersonic rates to the rotary cylinders powering the joints. This would render the drive highly smooth and enable the adoption of the AMBAC system (Active Mass Balance Auto-Control); thus, eliminating the massive propellant requirements of traditional injection systems [1][2][3].


In U.C. 0074, Gihren Zabi inspected the Dark Colony. Minovsky presented the MI-11 schematics and a CG simulation of the YMS-03 Waff that used it to dissuade him from cancelling the MS plan [1][2][3].


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