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Loni Garvey (ロニ・ガーベイ Roni Gabei?) is a character from the novel and OVA Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn.



Loni is the daughter of Mahdi Garvey a wealthy business man who happens to be chairman of Garvey Enterprises, She alongside her brothers are ordered by their father to pilot the AMA-X7 Shamblo and attack the port of Dakar. Initially she complies with the request however ultimately she is overcome with feelings of emotion over the destruction and death she and her family are causing. She pleads with her father to stop but he turns and shots in response to her insubordination, as she lays dieing she communicates to Banagher the Shamblo weak spot allowing him to destroy it and bring an end to the destruction it caused.


A mobile suit pilot in Principality of Zeon remnant group led by Yonem Kirks. She is the daughter of the wealthy Mahdi Garvey, a former Zeon soldier who brought the remnants together. Filled with hatred for the Earth Federation Forces who killed her father, she seeks revenge as the pilot of the huge mobile armor Shamblo, which she used to decimate the Federation capital of Dakar­.

When the remnants joined up with the Garencieres, the Sleeves ship that crashed into the desert and helped pull it out of the sand, Loni and Kirks joined with the crew to have a discussion with Full Frontal. Frontal acknowledges Loni and comments on how her father perfected Haman Karn's legacy. New coordinates from the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam's Laplace Program pointed towards Torrington, where Zeon's first colony drop occurred. Loni asked Frontal for permission to assault Torrington. Frontal admitted while he commands the forces of Zeon in space, he doesn't hold command over the remnants who have been fighting guerilla warfare since the One Year War. Thus they have the autonomy to act as they see fit. Loni agreed and gave a "Sieg Zeon". As she disembarked from the Garencieres, he past by Banagher Links, the pilot of the Unicorn Gundam.

As the Zeon remnants rally to assault Torrington, Kirks ordered Loni/Shamblo to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties. However, the Shamblo's psychoframe resonated and Loni felt compelled to launch her beam reflectors, which enabled her beams to devastate the entire city.

Then suddenly, the Garencieres launched Banagher/Unicorn earlier than planned, before the Gundam started firing warning shots in front of the Shamblo. As soon as he touched down, Banagher holstered his weapon and pleaded Loni to fall back if she wants him to break the Laplace program seal. Loni expresses gratitude that the Garencieres' crashing allowed the remnants to take their revenge. Banagher tells her that the families that she killed will only harbor hatred for Zeon. Banagher tells Loni that she'll only lose her humanity if she keeps fighting, but she tells him that her parents never had a chance to surrender and that opening the box won't bring back her family. She grabs the Gundam with Shamblo's claw, but Riddhe Marcenas in the Delta Plus intervenes by firing missiles at the claw, freeing the Gundam. Banagher asks if the chaos and destruction is what Loni truly wants, but Loni says she has nothing else to live for. Banagher tells her its too sad to live by anger and gets out of the Unicorn's cockpit to ask her to stop. The Shamblo stops as Loni feels unsure of herself.

Loni soon sensed Kirks' death at the hands of the Tri-Stars. Enraged that the Federation took away the last of her family, she started to go berserk and fired on Banagher. Banagher/Unicorn transformed into Destroy Mode, which makes contact with the Shamblo's psychoframe. Both suits emit a psycho-field which ravages the surrounding area. Loni fires wildly at the Unicorn, but it deflects the beams. Banagher implores Loni not to let her hatred consume her. Loni counters his plea by saying that both of them are bound by blood to fulfill their parents' wishes, and says that Banagher is hypocritical since he was given his power by family, curse or not it's their duty. Kirks's spirit tells Loni that their war was over and they had to go. Distraught, Loni prepares one last shot as Riddhe and Banagher charge the Shamblo head-on. Ultimately, Banagher couldn't bring himself to kill Loni, so Riddhe took the shot instead. The beam magnum instantly tore through the Shamblo's cockpit, incinerating Loni.


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