Junkyard is the third episode of Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance [1].
Awakening from a nightmare, Captain Solari finds the base in ruins. She later rallies weary mechanics to assemble Zaku II units from spare parts[1].
The episode begins with what appears to be a flashback: Iria pushes a pram in a park inside a space colony, wearing her pilot suit. The baby in teh pram reaches for Iria's pocketwatch, wiich dangles from the basket cover. The ground fractures, and Iria falls through flame and scrap metal towards her son, who plays with blocks atop a giant version of her watch. "Stop!" Iria screams, but the watch ticks towards midnight. Her son says, "Mommy," and the watch explodes. Her son reaches out to her as he falls into blackness, replaced by an explosion of fire and the Gundam reaching out to her.
Iris gasps awake, in the back of the convoy's PVN.3/2 Sauropelta. It was just a nightmare.
The convoy arrives at the Romanian Mixed Mobile Brigade HQ, which has recently been destroyed by a Federation attack. Several Gaws lie in ruins among the smoking rubble of the airfield. The convoy comes under fire from a bachine gun emplacement; the group attacks the emplacement to find that the machine gun is manned by a hysterical Zeon soldier. The soldier says that the base was attacked by the EFF's mobile suit, "a white devil." The soldier is in need of medical attention that Ony cannot render.
Heaton suggests that the group move to a nearby scrapyard, where the First Armored Infantry Company previously took damaged mobile suits and tanks.
The scrapyard is run by Major Rolf Rohne, who refuses to allow the convoy to stay. "We have too many mouths to feed," he says, but he will allow them to leave the wounded at the scrapyard before moving on. But despite the major's frigid welcome, the Red Wolf Squadron is welcomed by Captain Alfee Zydos, in charge of the mechanics who strip broken Zakus for parts.
Iria's pocketwatch is revealed as belonging to Daltun, Iria's dead husband. Alfee asks about her son; she says he is in good condition and is staying with family. Alfee is glad to see LeSean, and saddened at the loss of Chubbs and Kale. Alfee decides to intervene with the Major on the Red Wolves' behalf, and they are allowed to stay at the scrapyard.
That night, Heaton says he doesn't understand why they're there anymore. Alfee says they're there to follow orders, to take the Earth from the Federation, and that the Feds will therefore oppose them. LeSean says Alfee sounds like a Feddie sympathizer; Alfee denies it, and says he's seen that the Feds are oppressors. "You oppress people long enough, they're going to fight back. So now we're here. We're going to fight for our independence." Iria seems unsure, and asks Alfee what his teams do at the scrapyard.
The scrapyard teams break down damaged mobile suits and vehicles for usable parts, before recycling what's unusable. This is how they try to compensate for Zeon's thinning supply lines. Iria asks Alfee to use the accumulated spare parts to build some Zakus. While Alfee and Heaton discuss the topic, Iria hears the distant sounds of the Gundam attacking a base.
She runs to a watchtower with a pair of binoculars, and sees a distant glow on the horizon. Alfee asks LeSean what Iria is doing. LeSean says that it's been a tough few days for her. Alfee says that she recently lost Daltun, her husband, a musician who died in an airstrike a few months previously. Iria had been examining her watch before asking Alfee to build the Zakus. Iria returns from the watchtower; Alfee asks her what's going on. Iria says that the Gundam just attacked the Mediaş base. Alfee objects: Mediaş is 20 kilometers away. She convinces Alfee to build two Zakus from scraps, to defend the scrapyard.
The next morning, at 0600, Alfee proposes the idea to the mechanics. They are skeptical; they don't think that they have the needed skills. Iria appeals to their pride, saying that the Zakus are necessary to protect them against the Gundam. The mechanics agree.
The mechanics construct two Zaku IIs, with accessory armor made from Magella Attack tank treads, and modified guns.
Major Rohne summons Iria. His office is full of empty alcohol bottles. He dislikes that she has been giving orders to the mechanics. He believes that the scrapyard soldiers will survive this war by staying low, and that the increased activity will summon the Federation. She replies that the Gundam doesn't care whether they're lying low; it will kill them regardless. She says that the Zaku will give them a chance at survival. He says, "You mean a chance for vengeance."
It isn't vengeance. My only wish is to make it back alive to see my little boy again. I will do everything I can so he doesn't lose his mother like he lost his father.—Iria Solari, to Major Rohne
Rohne says she should've gone through him, as part of the chain of command, not through Captain Zydos. He orders her to stop work and leave the base. He cannot allow any risk to the base. He storms out of his office, saying he'll shut down the project himself.
With two soldiers, Major Rohne arrives at the garage just as Alfee is praising the skills of his mechanics. In one day, they have built two functional Zakus. Rohne orders the Zakus dismantled, or camouflaged. Alfee objects; Iria tells him it's okay. Rohne begins to lecture Alfee, somewhat unsteady on his feet, calling the Zakus a "ridiculous stunt" when an explosion rocks the base.
A Saberfish flies overhead, followed by a column of M61A5 MBT tanks. Iria asks for permission to board the "ridiculous stunt," and Major Rohne grants it. Iria and LeSean sortie in the Zakus and destroy the tank column, when the Gundam arrives, accompanied by a RGM-79 GM.
- Netflix: 2024-10-17