Gundam collection of short stories (ガンダム短編集) is a collection of manga oneshots published over the years, featuring different characters, units and even universes, collected in this 3 volume series. Published by Kodansha and serialized by Comic BomBom from 2006 till 2007.
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The Battlefield In The Far East (極東MS戦線記)
- Mobile Suit Gundam Explosion
- Mobile Suit Gundam Silhouette Formula: The Ghost of Formula 91
- Mobile Fighter G Gundam Side Story: Tower Of Death
- Mobile Suit Gundam Gaiden Red Lightning of Zeon Johnny Ridden
- Mobile Suit Gundam Gaiden Dead Zone
- Mobile Suit Gndam 0083: Stardust Memory (Manga 2)
- Vol.1 ISBN 4-06-372123-X
- Vol.2 ISBN 4-06-372178-7
- Vol.3 ISBN 978-4-06-372265-9