UC-MSV (also known as Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Variations) is a 2012 original design series for the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn light novel/OVA series.
Earth Federation Forces[]
- MSN-001 Delta Gundam
- MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai
- RGM-89D Jegan D Type
- RGM-89DEW EWAC Jegan
- RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee (U.C. 0095 Ver.)
- RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex
- RGZ-95 ReZEL (Defenser B-Unit)
- RGZ-95C ReZEL Commander Type (Defenser A-Unit)
- RX-160S-2 Byarlant Custom 02
- ARX-014 Silver Bullet
The Sleeves[]
- AMS-119 Geara Doga (Angelo Sauper Use)
- AMS-119C Geara Doga (Full Frontal Use)
- AMX-014 Döven Wolf
- AMX-107R Rebawoo
- MSN-06S Sinanju Stein
- YAMS-130 Krake Zulu
See also[]
External links[]