Gundam Reconguista in G is a manga written and illustrated by Tomon Ota published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized in Gundam Ace magazine in 2014.
It is set in Regild Century, the era set after the Universal Century, and it will follow the adventures of a pilot trainee named Bellri Zenam in the Capital Guard, an organization protecting a space elevator.
Volume 1[]
- Episode 01: The Pirate Woman in the G-Self
- Episode 02: G-Self, Start Up!
- Episode 03: The Pressure of Montero
- Episode 04: The Enemy is the Capital Army
Volume 2[]
- Episode 05: Dellensen, A Fearsome Foe!
- Episode 06: The Mask Corps's Fierce Assault (Part I)
- Episode 07: The Mask Corps's Fierce Assault (Part II)
- Episode 08: Father, Mother and Mask
Volume 3[]
- Episode 09:
- Episode 10:
- Episode 11:
- Episode 12:
Volume 4[]
- Episode 13:
- Episode 14:
- Episode 15:
- Episode 16:
Volume 5[]
- Episode 17:
- Episode 18:
- Episode 19:
Capital Army/Capital Guard/Capital Territory[]
- Bellri Zenam
- Noredo Nug
- Nobell
- Luin Lee
- Manny Ambassada
- Raraiya Akuparl
- Dellensen Samatar
- Kerbes Yoh
- Wilmit Zenam
- Becker Shadam
- Jugan Meinstron
- Cumpa Rusita
- Barara Peor
Amerian Army/Pirate Corps[]
List of Mechanics[]
Capital Army/Capital Guard[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- CAMS-02 Catsith
- CAMS-03 Elf Bullock
- CAMS-05 Mack Knife
- Elf Bull
- Wuxia
- Recten
- Recksnow
- YG-111 Gundam G-Self
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Amerian Army/Pirate Corps[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- Armorzagan
- GH-001 Grimoire
- Hecate
- Jahannam
- MSAM-034 Jahannam Space Type
- MSAM-033 Gundam G-Arcane
- MSAM-YM03 Montero
- YG-111 Gundam G-Self
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
- RMS-117 Galbaldy β
- RGM-89 Jegan
- RGM-119 Jamesgun
- RX-77-2 Guncannon
- RMS-099 Rick Dias
- MS-06F Zaku II
- MS-09R Rick Dom
- MSM-03 Gogg
- AMX-109 Capule
Picture Gallery[]
- Vol.1 ISBN 978-4-04-102455-3
- Vol.2 ISBN 978-4-04-102864-3-C0979
- Vol.3 ISBN 978-4-04-103582-5-C0979
- Vol.4 ISBN 978-4041056363
- Vol.5 ISBN 978-4041056370
External links[]
Regild Century | |
TV series | Gundam Reconguista in G | Episode Listing |
Topics | Characters | Mobile Weapons | Warships and Spacecraft | Locations | Nations and Factions | Technology | Kuntala |
Books | Gundam Reconguista in G (manga) |
Media | G-Reco Koushien | From the Past to the Future | Go! Core Fighter | Belri's Fierce Charge |
Gunpla | High Grade Reconguista in G |
Timelines | Ad Stella | Advanced Generation | After Colony | After War | Anno Domini | Build Fighters | Correct Century | Cosmic Era | Future Century | Mars Century | Post Disaster | Regild Century | SD Gundam | Universal Century |