Gundam EXA (ガンダム EXA?) is a manga written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kōichi Tokita, serialized on Gundam Ace magazine and published by Kadokawa Shoten in 7 tankobon volume. It began the serialization on May 26, 2011, until February 26, 2014, as part of Gundam Ace's 10th Anniversary Project. It was a tie in with the Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost arcade and PlayStation 3 games. It has a sequel named Gundam EXA VS.
The story takes place in unnamed timeline, where humanity has highly advanced technology. However, the human population is decreasing and it seems that they're on their way to extinction.
The protagonists are Leos Alloy, Sthesia Awar and their Haro. They work on a Jupiter base called "Jupiter X", using "General Answer" (or "GA") which contains a massive repository of data about the previous eras of humanity, Leos travels to the Earths' of the previous eras in an effort to collect data that might give them a hint for the evolution of mankind.
Volume 1[]
- Episode 00: Leos Alloy
- Episode 01: Sthesia Awar
- Episode 02: Gundam Fight
- Episode 03: Domon Kasshu
- Episode 04: ex-
Volume 2[]
- Episode 05: Extreme Gundam (Part I)
- Episode 06: Extreme Gundam (Part II)
- Episode 07: Cyber Newtype
- Episode 08: Zero Murasame
Volume 3[]
- Episode 09: Leos Alloy Type
- Episode 10: Xenon Phase
- Episode 11: Celestial Being
- Episode 12: Gundam Meister
- Episode 13: Trans Am Raiser
Volume 4[]
- Episode 14: The Eclipse
- Episode 15: Crossbone Gundam
- Episode 16: Tobia Arronax
- Episode 17: Agios Phase
- Episode 18:
Volume 5[]
- Episode 19: Contact
- Episode 20: Lalah Sune
- Episode 21: Invader
- Episode 22: System Crash
- Episode 23: Veda
Volume 6[]
- Episode 24: Correct Century
- Episode 25: Turn X
- Episode 26: Moonlight Butterfly
- Episode 27: Mystic Phase
- Episode 28: EX A Interface
Volume 7[]
- Episode 29: The Lovers
- Episode 30:
- Episode 31: Ex-
- Episode 33: Extremely Hope
Jupiter X[]
- Leos Alloy
- Sthesia Awar
- Haro
- Pigna Hershey
- Rokai
- Keith Ors
- Yusa Shindo
Universal Century[]
- Ford Romfellow
- Luce Cassel
- Zero Murasame
- Marion Whelch
- Chlust Moses
- Yuu Kajima
- Alph Kamra
- Haman Karn
- Char Aznable
- Lalah Sune
- Jerid Messa
- Emma Sheen
- Kacricon Cacooler
- Jamitov Hymen
- Crux Dogatie
- Zabine Chareux
- Berah Ronah
- Seabook Arno
- Harrison Martin
- Tobia Arronax
- Bernadette Briett
The Origin[]
- Captain Zaku
- Fire Pattern
- Gundam-san
Cosmic Era[]
Anno Domini[]
- Fon Spaak
- Hanayo
- Setsuna F. Seiei
- Lockon Stratos
- Tieria Erde
- Allelujah Haptism
- Soma Peries
- Sumeragi Lee Noriega
- Ribbons Almark
- Feldt Grace
- Ian Vashti
- Marina Ismail
- Aeolia Schenberg
Future Century[]
After Colony[]
- Heero Yuy
- Duo Maxwell
- Chang Wufei
- Trowa Barton
- Quatre Raberba Winner
- Odel Bernett
- Odin Bernett
- Dick Higasaki
- Roche Nattono
- Kratz Silvy
- Broom Brooks
Correct Century[]
- Sid Munzer
- Loran Cehack
- Sochie Heim
- Miashei Kune
- Gym Ghingham
- Agrippa Maintainer
- Corin Nander
- Harry Ord
- Dianna Soreil
- Miran Rex
After War[]
Jupiter X[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- MWF-JG73 Civilian Astray JG Custom
- MBF-P03R Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd Revise
- GAT-X105E Strike Noir Gundam
- GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam
- Extreme Gundam Type Leos
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Universal Century[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- RX-78-4 Gundam Unit 4 "G04"
- RX-78-5 Gundam Unit 5 "G05"
- HFA-78-3 Heavy Full Armor 7th Gundam
- RX-78GP04G Gundam "Gerbera"
- MS-08TX(EXAM) Efreet Custom
- RX-79BD-1 Blue Destiny Unit 1
- RGM-79Q GM Quel
- RX-178-X0 Prototype Gundam Mk-II
- RX-79BD-3 Blue Destiny Unit 3
- RX-79BD-3Re Blue Destiny Unit 3 Custom (GM Head)
- RMS-099 Rick Dias
- RGM-79 GM
- RB-79 Ball
- MS-06 Zaku II/Origin
- MS-06S Char's Zaku II
- RX-78-02 Gundam
- XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai Kai "Skull Heart"
- XM-X2ex Crossbone Gundam X-2 Kai
- XM-X3 Crossbone Gundam X-3
- F91 Gundam F91
- EMA-10 Divinidad
- MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type
- RX-93-ν2 Hi-ν Gundam
- MA-08 Big Zam
- MAN-08 Elmeth
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Cosmic Era[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- MBF-P02 Astray Red Frame
- MBF-P03 Astray Blue Frame
- MBF-P03R Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd Revise
- LG-GAT-X105 Gale Strike Gundam
- GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam
- LV-ZGMF-X23S Vent Saviour
- ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
- ZGMF-X19A ∞ Justice Gundam
- ZGMF-X42S Destiny
- ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam
- ZGMF-1000/M Blaze ZAKU Warrior
Future Century[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- GF7-013NJ Yamato Gundam
- GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam
- JMS71 Nobusshi
- JDG-009X Death Army
- GF13-050NSW Nobel Gundam
After Colony[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- XXXG-01W Wing Gundam
- XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero
- XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe
- XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam
- OZX-GU01A Gundam Geminass 01
- OZX-GU02A Gundam Geminass 02
- OZ-15AGX Hydra Gundam
- OZ-00MS2B Tallgeese III
- OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Anno Domini[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- CB-001.5 1.5 Gundam
- GNY-001F Gundam Astraea Type F
- GN-001REIII Gundam Exia Repair III
- GN-002RE Gundam Dynames Repair
- GN-006/SA Cherudim Gundam SAGA
- GN-011 Gundam Harute
- GN-0000 00 Gundam
- GN-010 Gundam Zabanya
- CB-002 Raphael Gundam
- CB-002/GD Raphael Gundam Dominions
- GNZ-004 Gaga
- GNX-Y901TW Susanowo
- Extraterrestrial Living-metal Shape-shifter
- GNR-001D GN Arms Type-D
- GNT-0000 00 Qan(T)
Vehicles and Support Units[]
Correct Century[]
Mobile Weapons[]
- AMX-109 Kapool
- AMX-109 Kapool Corin Nander Custom
- SYSTEM ∀-99 ∀ Gundam
- Concept-X 6-1-2 Turn X
- JMA-0530 Walking Dome
Vehicles and Support Units[]
After War[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Vehicles and Support Units[]
EXA Originals[]
Mobile Weapons[]
Picture Gallery[]
- This manga uses the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin reinterpretation of certain Mobile Weapons of the One Year War Period from the Universal Century.
- A sequel "Gundam EXA VS" was announced by the manga artist, Kōichi Tokita, on his blog on the March 4, 2014 [1].
- The "General Answer" on Jupiter X, is believed to be the Black History from the Correct Century (featured in Turn A Gundam.
- The last battle between Ex and Leos start with Ex- send several Gundams against Leos, each of them piloted by previous G-Divers. Then Leos chase after Ex- to various worlds, each time gain help from the protagonist of such world to fight against Ex-. This is inversion of Decade's journey, of which he started by travels and befriend the hero of each alternate worlds, then face against original versions in the final battle.
- Vol.1 ISBN 978-4-04-120004-9-C0979
- Vol.2 ISBN 978-4-04-120159-6-C0979
- Vol.3 ISBN 978-4-04-120360-6-C0979
- Vol.4 ISBN 978-4-04-120564-8-C0979
- Vol.5 ISBN 978-4-04-120707-9-C0979
- Vol.6 ISBN 978-4-04-120927-1-C0979
- Vol.7 ISBN 978-4-04-121072-7-C0979