Gundam Build Divers Break (ガンダムビルドダイバーズブレイク) is a manga written by Ryouji Sekinishi and illustrated by Shiitake Gensui. It was first published by Kadokawa Shoten in the magazine Gundam Ace.
A side story that will develop the hidden side of the main story and will depict Mass-Divers torn between admiration and grief towards the power of unofficial GBN tools and Break Decals. It is divided into two stories - "Before" represents the time before Riku played GBN and "After" represents the time after. Over time, the ideas of the characters and the appearance of their Gundams changes.
Volume 1
- Eps 1
- Eps 2
- Eps 3
- Eps 4
- Eps 5
- Eps 6
Volume 2
- Eps 7
- Eps 8
- Eps 9
- Eps 10 Emulation
- Eps 11
- Eps 12
- Eps 13
Ain Soph Owl[]
- Emo Yumesaki (Diver Name: Onoko)
- Aya Fujisawa
- Nanami Nanase
- Tsukasa Shiba
- Riku Mikami
- Yukio Hidaka
- Patrick Colasour
- Shahryar
- Tigerwolf
- Magee
- Rommel
- Mr. Katsuragi
- Sarah
- Mol
- Koichi Nanase
- Ms. Tori
- GF13-017NJ/B Gundam Shining Break
- YG-III Gundam G-Else
- GN-011Z Gundam Zerachiel
- RMS-099BC Build Γ Gundam
- GH-001RB Grimoire Red Beret
- AGE-IIMG Gundam AGEII Magnum
- MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam
- MSM-04N Agguguy
- Petit'GGuy
- MA-08 Big Zam
- OZ-06MS[MPD] Leo NPD
- NRX-055 Baund Doc
- ZGMF-XX09T DOM Trooper
- DT-6800W Daughtress Weapon
- MSN-03 Jagd Doga
- MS-06 Zaku II
- GNX-803OG Ogre GN-X
- GH-001 Grimoire
- G-838 Mahiroo
- ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos (SD)
- RX-零 RX-Zeromaru
- NZ-333 ϝ Azieru
- RMS-099 Rick Dias
- GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam
- Chou-sen Qubeley
- ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam
- RX-75 Guntank
- GN-0000/7S 00 Gundam Seven Sword (SD)
- WMS-GB5 G-Bouncer
- GN-0000DVR Gundam 00 Diver
- MS-09B Dom
- Medea
- MSM-07 Z'Gok
- ZMT-S12G Shokew
- ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion
- RGM-89 Jegan
- GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam
- ZGMF-X20A-LP Gundam Love Phantom
- PEN-01M Momokapool
- RGM-86RBM GM III Beam Master
- GNY-0042-874 Gundam Artemie
- System-∀99 ∀ Gundam
- KUMA-F Beargguy F
- ZGMF-1001/M Blaze ZAKU Phantom
- MSK-008 Dijeh
- GBN-GF01 GBN-Guard Frame
- PMX-003 The-O
- AGMF-X56S/a Impulse Gundam Arc
- AGMF-X56S/l Impulse Gundam Lancier
- RX-0 Unicorn Gundam
- RMS-117G11 Galbaldy Rebake
External Links[]
Build Divers | |
Anime | Gundam BD Prologue | Gundam BD - Episode Listing | Gundam BD Re:RISE - Episode Listing | Gundam BD Battlogue |
Manga/Photonovel | Gundam Build Divers Break | Gundam Build Divers GBWC | Gundam Build Diver Rize |
Gunpla | High Grade Build Divers | High Grade Build Custom | High Grade Petit'gguy | High Grade Build Divers Re:RISE |
Other Timelines | Ad Stella | Advanced Generation | After Colony | After War | Anno Domini | Build Fighters | Correct Century | Cosmic Era | Future Century | Mars Century | Post Disaster | Regild Century | SD Gundam | Universal Century |