The GF13-030NIN Cobra Gundam is a mobile fighter that appears in TV anime Mobile Fighter G Gundam.
This unusual mobile fighter represents the space colony of Neo India. After emerging from its basket-shaped Cobra Pot storage vessel, the Cobra Gundam can separate into two parts. Its tail segment - controlled by an actual giant cobra! - constricts around the enemy mobile fighter, while pilot Chandra Shijiema uses the Gundam itself to deliver the finishing blow to his helpless target. The Cobra Gundam's weapon of choice is its flute-like Peepo Sword, which houses a concealed beam saber.
- Peepo Sword
- Flamethrower
- Cobra Pot
Sijiema and the Cobra Gundam overcame, among others, Carlos Andalusia and his Matador Gundam in the first round of the finals of the 13th Gundam Fight. He faced Domon Kasshu's God Gundam in a match, and to escape Chandra's trap, Domon dislocated his own shoulder to give him maneuvering room to fly out of the coiled tail.
Later, Chandra would return with several other defeated opponents to assassinate the new Shuffle Alliance. He also takes part in the Battle Royale on Lantau Island, but was defeated by DG-cell infested Marcelot Cronos' Zeus Gundam.
Action Figures[]