The GF13-021NG Gundam Spiegel (Shadow Gundam in the English dub) is a Mobile Fighter from Mobile Fighter G Gundam. It is piloted by Schwarz Bruder of Neo Germany.
Technology & Combat Characteristics[]
The Gundam Spiegel is a state-of-the-art mobile fighter developed by the space colony of Neo Germany, whose high performance allows it to replicate the Ninja techniques of its pilot Schwarz Bruder. In addition to the Spiegel Blades mounted on its forearms, the Gundam is equipped with countless Messergranz throwing knives, and can trap its foes with an electrified net. It can also perform a devastating Sturm Und Drang attack, spinning like a top and slashing at its foes with its forearm blades. The Gundam's capabilities and Schwarz Bruder's own German Ninjutsu skills combine to create an all but invincible opponent.
- Spiegel Blade
- Iron Net
- Messergranz
- Shiguru Blade
Ultimate Attacks[]
- Sturm Und Drang
Note: For more information on the Gundam Spiegel's history, please go to Schwarz Bruder's page.
Picture Gallery[]
Action Figures[]
Notes and Trivia[]
- Spiegel means "mirror" in German.
External links[]