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The Gundam Wiki

The Shuffle Diamond is a mobile fighter from Mobile Fighter G Gundam. It is piloted by Nassius Kircher of the Shuffle Alliance.


This mobile fighter is used by Jack in Diamond, the master strategist of the mysterious Shuffle Alliance. It can fold up into a diamond-shaped mobile armor mode for high-speed travel. The mobile fighter's main weapon is the powerful flamethrower in its chest, which it uses to execute its special Diamond Burn attack.


  • Vulcan Gun
  • Flamethrower

Special Equipment & Features[]

  • Mobile Trace System
A piloting system for controlling mobile fighters. Normally, a pilot suit with nanomachines woven into it called a fighting suit is worn, but Nassius Kircher wears normal clothes with fighting suit functions built in, according to his own preference.

Special Attacks[]

  • Diamond Burn



External Links[]

Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mechanics
Shuffle Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-006NA Gundam Maxter | GF13-009NF Gundam Rose | GF13-011NC Dragon Gundam | GF13-013NR Bolt Gundam | GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam | GF13-017NJII God Gundam | Shuffle Club | Shuffle Diamond | Shuffle Joker | Shuffle Spade
Mobile Horse
13th Gundam Fight Participants
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-001NH Kowloon Gundam | GF13-001NHII Master Gundam | GF13-002NGR Zeus Gundam | GF13-003NEL John Bull Gundam | GF13-006NA Gundam Maxter | GF13-009NF Gundam Rose | GF13-011NC Dragon Gundam | GF13-012NN Viking Gundam | GF13-013NR Bolt Gundam | GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam | GF13-017NJII God Gundam | GF13-020NK Gundam Zebra | GF13-021NG Gundam Spiegel | GF13-026ND Mermaid Gundam | GF13-030NIN Cobra Gundam | GF13-037NCA Lumber Gundam | GF13-039NP Jester Gundam | GF13-041NSI Ashura Gundam | GF13-044NNP Mandala Gundam | GF13-045NSP Matador Gundam | GF13-047NMA Skull Gundam | GF13-049NM Tequila Gundam | GF13-050NSW Nobel Gundam | GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII | GF13-052NT Minaret Gundam | GF13-053NMO Temjin Gundam | GF13-055NI Neros Gundam | GF13-066NO Nether Gundam | GF13-073NPO Gundam Magnat | GF13-083NCB Arachno Gundam | Scud Gundam

Support Weapon
Devil Gundam Legion
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-001NHII Master Gundam | GF13-003NEL John Bull Gundam | GF13-006NA Gundam Maxter | GF13-009NF Gundam Rose | GF13-011NC Dragon Gundam | GF13-013NR Bolt Gundam | GF13-055NI Neros Gundam | Grand Gundam | Grand Master Gundam | Gundam Heaven's Sword | JDG-00X Devil Gundam | Mirage Gundam | Ultimate Gundam | Walter Gundam
Mobile Suit
Death Bat | Death Beast | Death Birdie | Death Dragon | Death Master | Death Navy | JDG-009X Death Army
Mobile Horse

Support Weapon
Death Ball | Gundam Head
Past Gundam Fight Participants
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF4-001NE Pharaoh Gundam IV | GF4-005NC Feilong Gundam | GF11-001NEL Britain Gundam | GF11-033NNP Tantra Gundam | GF11-042NSB Mammoth Gundam | GF12-035NH Kowloon Gundam | Ulube's Gundam
Neo Japan
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam | GF13-017NJII God Gundam | JMF1336R Rising Gundam | Ulube's Gundam
Mobile Suit
Gun Magna | JMS60 Busshi | JMS71 Nobusshi
Mobile Armor
JMA27T Fantoma

Bud Carrier | Neo Japan Space Ship
Cruiser / Mothership
Neo Japan Flagship | Neo Japan Guard Warship
Neo America
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-006NA Gundam Maxter
Mobile Suit
29H-A-MS Murphy

Neo England
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF11-001NEL Britain Gundam | GF13-003NEL John Bull Gundam
Mobile Suit
MET6-MS Casshing
Neo France
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-009NF Gundam Rose | Mirage Gundam
Mobile Suit
NEL-75C Butler Bensouman | NF-MS81 Godarl

Neo Russia
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-013NR Bolt Gundam

Gorby | Gorby II
Neo Mexico
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-049NM Tequila Gundam
Mobile Suit
P-143S Pescatore
Neo Egypt
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF4-001NE Pharaoh Gundam IV | GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII | Sphinx Gundam
Neo Sweden
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
GF13-050NSW Nobel Gundam | GF13-050NSWII Super Nobel Gundam
Neo Denmark
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
Ankou Gundam | Ebi Gundam | Ei Gundam | GF13-026ND Mermaid Gundam | Gundam Octopus | Hirame Gundam | Kani Gundam | Kappa Gundam

Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit

Land Vehicle
Antigravity Truck
Space Guard Boat | Space Pirate Ship
Unused Design
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Fighter
Shuffle Heart