The F90U Gundam F90 Up-Lift Type (aka Gundam F90 U-Type) is a variant of the F90 Gundam F90 introduced in the F90 A to Z PROJECT.
Technology & Combat Characteristics[]
The F90U Gundam F90 Up-Lift Type is one of the many mission packs developed for the F90 Gundam F90 by the Strategic Naval Research Institute. The Gundam F90 Up-Lift Type, or U-Type for short, was developed to leave the atmosphere. The Gundam F90 is a versatile unit that can be operated in both space and on the ground, but to leave the atmosphere a large booster pack must be equipped to supplement the mobile suit's output and thrust. The booster pack's cylindrical booster is connected to the backpack, but since it is impossible to support the booster's weight with this connection alone, the booster pack is also fixed to hardpoints on the shoulders and legs, as well as to the rear waist's weapon rack. At the same time, highly durable cover parts are also installed on the front of the upper body to protect the most important components such as the head and cockpit. After leaving the atmosphere, the booster and cover parts are ejected (with the booster recovered by a small support craft), allowing the mobile suit to transition immediately to battle.[1]
- 60mm Vulcan Gun
- A pair of shell-firing weapon built into the head. Though not powerful, its high rate of fire meant it was employed to intercept enemy missiles/units, as warning shots, and to destroy lightly armored targets.
- Beam Saber
- The beam saber is a small device held in the mobile suit's hands when deployed and is powered by a rechargeable energy capacitor. It emits high-energy Minovsky particles to form a blade-shaped I-field (via manipulation of electromagnetic fields), and then fills this I-field shell with superheated Minovsky particle plasma to produce an effective cutting blade. The F90 U-Type has two beam sabers stored on the backpack.
- Beam Rifle
- The F90 U-Type uses the same beam rifle as the normal F90, which is powered by a replaceable E-pack located at the weapon's rear. Spare E-packs can be carried on the side skirt's hardpoints.
- Shield
- The same defensive equipment as used by the Gundam F90. It is strong and light due to the use of new materials, and two spare E-packs for the beam rifle can be stored on the back.
Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula[]
In U.C. 0115, the F90 Gundam F90 Unit 2 was equipped with the U-Type mission pack for an urgent rendezvous with a Earth Federation Forces special forces detachment in space. Piloted by Gideon Brondan, the F90U Gundam F90 Up-Lift Type launched from the Aden Base in Yemen and successfully exited the atmosphere. After arriving in space, the U-Type mission pack was ejected as it had served its purpose.[2]
Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula[]
Notes & Trivia[]
- ↑ Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula, Vol 4, Chapter 13, Pg 154-179.
External links[]