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The F90S Gundam F90 Support Type (aka Gundam F90 S-Type) is a variant of the F90 Gundam F90 introduced in the manga Mobile Suit Gundam F90. Known pilots include Def Stallion and Patsy Angelika.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The F90S Gundam F90 Support Type is one of the many mission packs developed for the F90 Gundam F90 by the Strategic Naval Research Institute. The Gundam F90 Support Type (or "S-Type" for short) is designed to act as a long-range, fire support unit. It is armed with long-range weaponry such as beam cannons and missiles, and has additional long-range composite targeting sensors. During attacks, both of the shoulders are fixed in place and the telescopic support jacks attached to rear waist are deployed to absorb recoil and ensure precise aiming. Data collected from the S-Type is later used to develop the F70 Cannon Gundam.


  • Vulcan Gun
The F90 S-Type is equipped with a pair of head-mounted Vulcan guns to serve as a mid-close range defensive weapon. While they do little damage against the armor of a mobile suit, they are useful for shoot down incoming missiles, small attack vehicles, or to deter closing in enemy.
  • Mega Beam Cannon
A pair of movable mega beam cannons are attached to the backpack for long-range fire support. The mega beam cannons have a caliber of over 200mm.
  • 4-barrel Beam Cannon
The forearms of the F90 S-Type are covered by a pair of 4-barrel beam cannons. Also known as 'hand cannons', they are powered by cables attached to the generator units mounted on the side skirt armor.
  • 2-tube Missile Pod
Each of the 4-barrel beam cannon has a 2-tube missile pod located on the side.
  • Cruise Missile
A pair of cruise missiles, also known as 'cruising missiles', are attached to rotatable mounts on the legs. These versatile missiles are capable of recognizing their targets and have self-guidance capabilities.


Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula[]

In U.C. 0112, the F90 Gundam F90 Unit 2 and the S-Type misson pack were assigned to 13th Experimental Squadron Team B. Piloted by Patsy Angelica, the F90 S-Type was deployed to Catskill Mountain Training Ground in North America to test its firepower, escorted by several FD-03 Gustav Karls. Unfortunately, the test was sabotaged by an unknown enemy, and the F90 S-Type and Gustav Karls were bombarded by live ammunitions from several D-50C Lotos and RXR-44 Guntank R-44 Powered Weapons Types. Eventually, Patsy discovered the location of the Lotos and Guntank R-44 Powered Weapons Types, and attacked with a full barrage from the F90 S-Type, creating a huge crater that caught the attention of the mass media.[1]

Mobile Suit Gundam F90[]

In. U.C. 0120, the F90 Gundam F90 and several of its mission packs, including the S-Type, were assigned to Ra Cailum-class Admiral Tianem as part of the 13th Experimental Battle Group.[2] During the First Oldsmobile War that occurred later in the same year, the S-Type mission pack's mega beam cannons, quad beam cannon, and cruise missiles was used by Def Stallion's Gundam F90 Unit 1 together with parts from the A-Type and D-Type mission packs, and this form was nicknamed "Gundam F90 A.D.S Type".[3] The F90 A.D.S Type provided fire support to EFF forces that attacked the Oldsmobile's Olympus Mons fortress, and later fought against the enemy's OMS-90R Gundam F90. Despite suffering heavy damages, the F90 eventually emerged victorious against the enemy Gundam.[3][4]


  • F90 Gundam F90 A.D.S Type
Featured in the manga Mobile Suit Gundam F90, it is the Gundam F90 Unit 1 equipped with a combination of parts from the A, D, and S-Type mission packs. Alongside the F90's standard armaments, the F90 A.D.S Type also has the S-Type's mega beam cannons, quad beam cannon, and cruise missiles on its back, left forearm, and both legs respectively, A-Type mission pack's handheld mega beam bazooka, and the D-Type's grenade rack, rocket pack, and MS crackers on its left shoulder, right forearm, and both front skirt armor respectively.[5] With this combination of mission pack parts, the F90 A.D.S Type piloted by Def Stallion was able to engage enemy units in long, medium, and short-range combat.[6]





Mobile Suit Gundam F90[]

Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula[]

Mobile Suit Gundam F90 Cluster[]



Notes & Trivia[]

  • The profiles of the F90S Gundam F90 Support Type published in various source books and in the model kit manual of the 1/100 Original F90 Gundam F90 A/D/S-Type noted that the mobile suit has rail cannons, but this weapon is often omitted in the accompanying armament list.


  1. Gundam F90FF, Vol 1
  2. Mobile Suit Gundam F90, Chapter 5
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mobile Suit Gundam F90, Chapter 7, Pg 148-165.
  4. Mobile Suit Gundam F90, Chapter 8, Pg 166-193.
  5. Mobile Suit Gundam F90, Chapter 7
  6. Mobile Suit Gundam F90, Chapter 7 and 8

External links[]

Mobile Suit Gundam F90 Mechanics
Earth Federation
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMS-119S Geara Doga Kai | F70 Cannon Gundam | F90 Gundam F90 | F90A Gundam F90 Assault Type | F90D Gundam F90 Destroid Type | F90E Gundam F90 Electronic Type | F90H Gundam F90 Hover Type | F90M Gundam F90 Marine Type | F90P Gundam F90 Plunge Type | F90S Gundam F90 Support Type | F90V Gundam F90 VSBR Type | F90II Gundam F90II | F90II-I Gundam F90II Intercept Type | F90II-L Gundam F90II Long Range Type | RGM-89J Jegan Normal Type | RGM-89ST2 ST-Gun

Transporter / Supply Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Irish-class | Ra Cailum-class
Mars Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
OMS-06RF RF Zaku | OMS-07RF RF Gouf | OMS-09DRF RF Desert Dom | OMS-09RF RF Dom | OMS-14RF RF Gelgoog | OMS-14SRF RF Gelgoog Charles Rochester Type | OMS-15RF RF Gyan | OMS-90R Gundam F90 | OMSM-07RF RF Z'Gok
Mobile Armour
OMAX-01 Grand Zam | OMAX-03RF RF Adzam

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Dodai Kai

F90 A to Z PROJECT Mechanics
Earth Federation
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
F90 Gundam F90 | F90II Gundam F90II | F90A Gundam F90 Assault Type | F90B Gundam F90 Bombard Type | F90C Gundam F90 Coldness Type | F90D Gundam F90 Destroid Type | F90E Gundam F90 Electronic Type | F90F Gundam F90 Fight Type | F90G Gundam F90 Guards Type | F90H Gundam F90 Hover Type | F90II-I Gundam F90II Intercept Type | F90J Gundam F90 Jacket Type | F90K Gundam F90 Keep Type | F90II-L Gundam F90II Long Range Type | F90M Gundam F90 Marine Type | F90N Gundam F90 Next Type | F90O Gundam F90 Officer Type | F90P Gundam F90 Plunge Type | F90Q Gundam F90 Quick Type | F90R Gundam F90 Reconnoiter Type | F90S Gundam F90 Support Type | F90T Gundam F90 Tracer Type | F90U Gundam F90 Up-Lift Type | F90V Gundam F90 VSBR Type | F90W Gundam F90 Warbird Type |
Mars Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
F90 Gundam F90 Unit 2 | OMS-90R Gundam F90
Crossbone Vanguard
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
F90I-I Gundam F90 Intercept Type Jupiter Battle Specification